- LC75-scraper: build LC-75 web scraper
- LEDsign: play with LED sign at hub
- adaptive-filtering-research: Adaptive filtering research
- add-day-titles: add day titles to logs (retro-actively)
- add-demos-page: create a working demos page
- add-tag-parser: add a tag parser #task-system-setup
- add-wasm-dz: add missing to repo
- blob-brainstorm: Brainstorm: A Blob Named Bucket
- blob-coax: Create "blob" eat/coax mechanics program
- bucket-initial-scoping: project scoping for "A Blob Named Bucket"
- bug-missing-nodes: Bug: nodes are missing in dagzet
- build-faust-from-source: Build FAUST from source
- buy-extension-cord:: By small extension cord
- chords-demo: create vocal synthesizer "vocal chords" ensemble demo
- codeblocks-logs: make codeblocks work in logs
- compile-potential-vcv: attempt to compile and run potential VCV
- concept-concerto: Flesh out "concerto" concept
- connect-logs-to-tasks: connect log data tags to task names
- consider-drawing-tablet: consider getting a drawing tablet?
- consider-poke-follow-up: Consider poke follow-up?
- create-chatter-sounds: Create chatter sounds example
- create-dagzet-todo-page: Create dagzet TODO page
- create-tasks-directory: create directory page for tasks
- create-time-log-format: Create a time log format
- curate-ink: curate ink from the past few weeks/months
- dagzet-double-dot: Add double dot operator
- dagzet-lists: Implement dagzet ordered lists
- dagzet-namespace-tweaks: Some Namespace tweaks
- dagzet-rust: Port dagzet to rust
- demo-poke: "poke a face" demo.
- demo-react-UI: port demo to react UI
- demo-trio: Create "trio" demo
- demo-trio-chord-improvements: improve chord selection
- demo-trio-chords: Implement chord selection algorithm
- demo-trio-voice-scheduler: implement proper voice schedule
- demo-trio-web: Build initial web port of trio
- drawing-tablet-demo: work out initial drawing tablet demo
- drawing-tablet-experiments: drawing tablet experiments
- dynamic-programming-research: Dynamic programming research
- dzbrowse-generator: create generator for dzbrowse
- edexp-proto: prototype of edexp
- event-driven-gesture: implement event driven gesture
- flashcard-mvp: Create MVP for flashcard system
- game-jam: the game jam.
- gesture-reset: Create "reset" for rephasor/gesture
- grind75: Grind75: medium and easy problems
- how-big-are-react-apps: Investigate: How big are react apps?
- how-not-to-learn-rust: reading: how not to learn rust
- html-task-descriptions: add descriptions to grouptask and task
- htmlize-codestudy-files: HTMLize code study files
- htmlize-knowledge-tree: HTMLize knowledge tree
- htmlize-logs: HTMLize logs #log-sqlite-gen
- htmlize-tasks: htmlize tasks somehow #task-sqlite-gen
- implement-DRM: implement DRM model for shaping tract
- implement-gesture-path: implement initial gesture path
- implement-glot: implement glot algorithm to voxbox
- implement-monowav: implement monowav writer in boing^3
- implement-mtof: implement mtof utility
- implement-phasor: Implement phasor in boing^3
- implement-rephasor: implement rephasor
- implement-smoother: implement 1-pole smoothing filter
- implement-tract: implement tract algorithm
- implement-velum: implement velum support in voxbox
- impossible-day: Things related to impossible day, June 11th, 2024.
- impossible-day-2: Impossible day 2: Make a sound toy for the gameboy
- initial-singing-web: get initial singing demo working in browser
- initial-voxbox-repo: set up initial voxbox repo #voxbox
- investigate-2d-gameengine: Investigate 2d pixel art solutions
- investigate-css-codestudy: why is codestudy broken?
- investigate-kickstart-neovim: Look into Kickstart + NeoVim
- investigate-tic80: investigate tic80
- investigate-tic80-audio: investigate tic80 audio
- investigate-wabt: Investigate wabt
- linear-gesture-interface: build linear gesture interface for mnolth
- log-sqlite-gen: generate sqlite for logs data
- logging-presentation: Prepare for logging presentation.
- morning-triage: Daily morning triage of tasks
- mplayer-jack-thinkpad: Compile mplayer with JACK support on thinkpad.
- nexthacking: NeXT Hacking!
- nextjs-dashboard-app: Complete nextjs dashboard app tutorial
- nextjs-react-guide: Read nextjs react foundations guide
- poke-sound-warning: Add sound warning
- priority-queue-heap-research: Research: Priority Queue / Heap
- project-outline: set up a project outline for VoxBox
- provision-thinkpad: Provision thinkpad laptop
- quick-preset-export: Hack up quick preset exporter for web demo
- rc-jobs-advice: Read RC-Jobs advice page
- react-adding-interactivity: Read "Adding Interactivity"
- react-describing-the-ui: Read react describing the UI
- react-first-component: read "react: your first component"
- react-managing-state: read React: managing state
- react-quickstart: read react tutorial
- react-thinking-in-react: go through "thinking in react"
- react-tic-tac-toe: do react tic-tac-toe tutorial
- read-algorithm-interviews: Read "An Algorithm For Passing Interviews"
- read-elem-compsys: Read: Elements of Computer Systems
- read-typescript-handbook: Read the typescript handbook
- redblack-trees: research red-black trees
- resume-follow-up: Follow-up on resume suggestions
- resume-setup: re-examine resume #career
- retrospective: work on retrospective
- revisit-isorhythms: revisit isorhythms demo
- revisit-rust-wasm-audioworklet: Revisit the wasm audio worklet example
- rework-rectangles: rework rectangles in floppy
- rust-neovim-setup: set up rust with neovim
- rust-project-setup: What is the best way to set up my project?
- set-up-rust-reading-list: Set up rust reading list
- site-debugging-jun30: fixing site issues cuz I borked it.
- task-sqlite-gen: generate sqlite for tasks data
- task-system-setup: Set up basic task system
- thinkpad-uploader: make sure thinkpad can upload to website
- tic80-sine-tone: Inject a sine tone into tic80 audio pipeline
- toc-logs: Make table of contents for a logs
- troubleshoot-webaudio-thinkpad: Why aren't sounds playing from my demos on my thinkpad?
- typescript-react-slider: Get a slider working in typescript react
- vcv-potential-study: study the VCV Potential Plugin Code
- voxbox-balloon: Port balloon signal generator to voxbox
- voxbox-change-nose-length: change nose length
- voxbox-dsp-tasks: set up voxbox DSP tasks #voxbox
- voxbox-linear-gesture-demo: Create gesture demo
- voxbox-size-control: Control tract size in realtime?
- voxbox-tongue-interface: improve tongue interface for voxbox
- voxbox-vcv: Get voxbox ported to VCV rack
- voxboxOSC: create OSC controlled synth for voxbox
- vscode-rust-setup: set up rust workflow in vscode
- what-now-week6: What do I do now?
- what-now-week7: Career thoughts in week7