Look into Kickstart + NeoVim

Look into Kickstart + NeoVim

link: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim.

task id: investigate-kickstart-neovim

2024-07-03 08:17: Kickstart: way to set up neovim with LSP? #investigate-kickstart-neovim

Dan mentioned using VSCode again, and I'm inclined to take his advice. However, before I try that, I want to see if I can get some decent LSP things working with NeoVim. Would be especially helpful if I can get it running on this Alpine thinkpad.

Found Kickstart while trying to google "typescript in neovim". This was the other thing mentioned too: https://github.com/pmizio/typescript-tools.nvim.

2024-07-04 09:12: Trying to look into this today #investigate-kickstart-neovim

2024-07-05 08:15: If there is time #investigate-kickstart-neovim

This is a pretty open day, so there's a chance I'll have time for this.

2024-07-06 12:20: Let's see how easy this "kickstart" thing is. #investigate-kickstart-neovim #timelog:00:51:20

2024-07-06 12:41: It seems to be working. Some sort of LSP is installed I think, but I want autocomplete #investigate-kickstart-neovim

2024-07-06 12:42: Attempting to install YouCompleteMe #investigate-kickstart-neovim

2024-07-06 12:45: Wait wait, I think there's another way to get rust analyzer working using nvim-lspconfig #investigate-kickstart-neovim

2024-07-06 13:02: Okay it works. Kinda neat. Trying to get typescript set up #investigate-kickstart-neovim

It works!

2024-07-06 13:14: epilogue #investigate-kickstart-neovim #timelog:00:05:40

Key things I did to get things working:

Clone the kickstart repo to ~/.config/nvim. That is to say, the repo becomes the folder "nvim" as your base config. Opening up nvim does the rest.

the init.lua file in nvim is chock full of comments and README stuff. I searched and skimmed around for ways to turn on rust-analyzer with lsp-config, it was a line I had to uncomment.

Also had to uncomment a line to include new plugins, like the typescript neovim plugin I found. Installing stuff through this plugin manager thing called Lazy is basically a matter of appending table values to the return table value in lua/custom/plugins/init.lua. Opening up nvim handles installing stuff.

the LSP also does autoformatting. It will touch your files once they are opened, so note to self be sure to commit the files before doing anything when they are opened in neovim for the first time.