Career thoughts in week7

Career thoughts in week7

task id: what-now-week7

2024-06-28 17:38: Careers strategy #what-now-week6 #what-now-week7

I did not think about this too hard for this. That's what next week can be for?

2024-06-30 13:41: Time to think about resume this week #what-now-week7 #resume-setup

2024-07-02 08:47: How to factor in leet-grinding into my schedule? #what-now-week7

I want to see how much I can do of the LC75 problem sets.

2024-07-06 11:33: final week7 career thoughts. #what-now-week7

It's been nice getting most of my resume structured as data. It's very "music tech" oriented, with a strong emphasis on DSP and "low-level" languages like C/C++. For some reason, I didn't expect for a narrative like that to so strongly emerge. I could probably find enjoyment in "systems" oriented things: studying databases, OSes, computer architecture, etc. Rust seems like a good way to stay relevant in these fields.

I think the leetcode is going to resume next week. If I can find time every day, I could do about 30 leetcode problems before this batch is over. But, leetcode takes more time than people think. An hour of focused time is quite valuable. If I can work my way up to 2 every day, that's most of LC-75 (80%). If I do 2 every other day, and at least one every day, that's about 45, or 60% of LC-75.

I want to get typescript under my belt. The handbook <<webdev/typescript_handbook>> is a little under 40 pages, so probably something I could feasibly read. Then again, maybe it's just good enough to throw up some sliders in React and just bump around typescript that way? How much of my time is it worth?

Maybe if I can get neovim up and running, I think I may have a better time doing webdev stuff and feeling "modern"? (He says while typing in a very vanilla vim editor in termux running on Alpine linux using vintage IBM colors.)

But damn, get this resume built up and send it off to Jobs Chat already jeez.