HTMLize logs #log-sqlite-gen

HTMLize logs #log-sqlite-gen

task id: htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 09:57: Generate sqlite code from logs #htmlize-logs

I'm not going to worry about the tag system here, that can happen later. I just want to be able to add the timestamps and messages.

2024-05-26 10:16: Create log db generator script #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 10:30: Trying to get line breaks to work in comments #htmlize-logs

This would be one line. This would continue the same line because there isn't an empty line.

This would be another line.

It looks like the parser I wrote ignores the extra line breaks. Rather than try to update the parser, I'm going to say that a line "

" will insert a line break, which makes sense.

2024-05-26 10:41: Create an initial logs page #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 11:33: Ran into debugging hole related to checking for valid key #htmlize-logs

I should have been using an "or" operation instead of "and". Funny how I keep confusing the two.

This whole rabbit hole started because what I was calling "comment" in the time events, I called "blurb" in the dayblurb. I was accidentally trying to get a comment from a dayblurb instead of a blurb. It was returning nil, and it was still considering it valid. I had to update the conditional logic.

2024-05-26 11:36: Back to getting a single day printed using weewiki #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 11:48: Okay why is day 3 stopping midway #htmlize-logs

I'm hoping it's not a weewiki thing because that would be tedious.

2024-05-26 11:51: Seeing if static export works #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 11:52: What is going on with day 3? #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 11:54: Okay, I think it's string escaping issue in janet #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 12:00: I have no great way to escape the inline janet syntax. #htmlize-logs

In weewiki, I use @!(foo "bar")!@ to do inline janet stuff, but in Day 3 I was using that in another context. The workaround is to put it in a code block.

2024-05-26 12:18: upload script works, now to add jump links for each day #htmlize-logs

Adding for each entry would be cool too!

2024-05-26 12:37: Now to add timestamp links #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 12:46: Note to self: do not render raw HTML in an org block #htmlize-logs

2024-05-26 12:50: Things seem to work now #htmlize-logs