Flesh out "concerto" concept

Flesh out "concerto" concept

task id: concept-concerto

2024-07-07 11:10: Concerto: Vocal ensemble control is still first-person experiences #concept-concerto

I want to move forward with an ensemble demo, but coming up with the interface has been a blocker for me. I don't want to blindly recreate Blob Opera or Choir. It's been hard to see past that. How do you meaningfully control multiple voices?

Then I realized, it was never about controlling multiple voices in Blob Opera or Choir. You were always controlling one voice at a time, and the rest would follow. A leader-follower, or soloist-orchestra relationship. Such a thing I will call a "concerto" format.

2024-07-08 08:29: Been thinking a lot about the mechanics of this over the last few days #concept-concerto

Things involving Gesture mechanics. Specifically, the concept of getting some kind of "auto-accompaniment" to work with Gesture signal generator systems. Something something event scheduler. Might be good to write some things down.

2024-07-08 18:42: Some "staggered voice" system design planning #concept-concerto #timelog:00:32:48

2024-07-10 18:05: brainstorming #concept-concerto #timelog:00:05:53

2024-07-10 18:15: brainstorming #concept-concerto #timelog:00:14:53

2024-07-12 08:58: This concept feels pretty fleshed out #concept-concerto #demo-trio

I think I might call it "trio", and the elevator pitch is that you control one voice in a trio, and there is an algorithm that controls the other two pitches to form 3 part harmony.

Follow-up task created: demo-trio.