Things related to impossible day, June 11th, 2024.

Things related to impossible day, June 11th, 2024.

task id: impossible-day

2024-06-11 08:32: Getting a tag set up for impossible day #impossible-day

2024-06-11 08:49: Let's see if I can get pong working on my Analogue Pocket #impossible-day

2024-06-11 09:16: Some initial talks with JB, Pong installed and running on AP #impossible-day

2024-06-11 09:17: Getting ready to go to Hub. #impossible-day

2024-06-11 10:00: Examining some code. #impossible-day

2024-06-11 11:00: Kick-off for impossible day #impossible-day

2024-06-11 11:30: Impossible day work #impossible-day

2024-06-11 13:00: Lunch (approx.) #impossible-day

A group of us ate at NAYA.

2024-06-11 14:00: Impossible day work (approx.) #impossible-day

At this point, I was very out of my depth. Jeff was very patient with me. Thank you, Jeff.

2024-06-11 16:30: Regroup and presentations #impossible-day

We were struggling getting zoom to work with the iOS emulator. But our thing did technically work. Sort of felt like I made a jerk of myself in front of everyone. Oops.

John Cage once asked how he felt about his audience laughing at some of his (admittedly odd) work, to which he replied "I prefer laughter to tears". No tears, only laughter. I suppose I was entertaining. So, I'll take the win.

2024-06-11 17:00: A Quiet and Fast and Hopefully Polite Exit Home #impossible-day

I think I am what you'd call an Introvert's Introvert. Being around people at RC is quite enjoyable, but it has been draining for me. I'm really starting to feel it. I'll need to see what I can do to find some quiet and recharge later this week.

Suddenly being around so many people after years of being around so few is an ongoing adjustment for me. Still, it is important to me that I try to push myself a bit and coax myself out of my apartment into uncomfortable situations. The people here are friendly.