why is codestudy broken?

why is codestudy broken?

task id: investigate-css-codestudy

2024-07-07 14:28: gotta see why CSS for this broke. #investigate-css-codestudy #timelog:00:44:46

Confirmed broken on my website as well.

git blame says CSS has been unchanged since it was initially added.

demos CSS still works fine.

Huh. so the file works on a smaller portion of sound.c.

Looks like an overflow bug.

2024-07-07 15:15: Overflow error confirmed. Deeper investigation. #investigate-css-codestudy #timelog:00:07:30

The issue is, I don't know how this CSS works. It was just lifted from SourceHut.

It seems to be a flexbox attribute. I changed flex-wrap to be nowrap and the problem went away.