add a tag parser #task-system-setup
Potentially add the ability to parse tags to the log event parser.task id: add-tag-parser
2024-05-27 10:19: Begin work on tag parser #add-tag-parser
2024-05-27 10:39: Tag extraction works, now SQLite statements #add-tag-parser
Will need a new table for this. I also will want to reference tasks specifically, so I need to make sure I can get the right rowid from the logs row.
2024-05-27 10:44: Mostly safe to a assume day/time combo is unique #add-tag-parser
I don't have a formal constraint for this, but this is a reasonably safe assumption. I'll use this to look up the rowid.
2024-05-27 10:45: Actually, would max(rowid) work? #add-tag-parser
The tag parsing is always done immediately after inserting the log entry to the table. I assume it auto-increments and is the largest? This would be much easer.
2024-05-27 10:56: Let's see what works? #add-tag-parser
It works!
Going to need this if I want to connect logs to specific tasks.