generate sqlite for tasks data

generate sqlite for tasks data

task id: task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-21 09:03: potential schema idea for tasks? #task-sqlite-gen

It seems like for groups/states, I'll be putting things into files. So, current tasks are in main.txt, done tasks are in done.txt, cancelled tasks nevermind.txt, rust related things in rust.txt, reading in reading.txt, etc. Filename could be a meaningful parameter in the schema.

2024-05-26 16:02: initial setup stuff for logs to sqlite data #task-sqlite-gen

Just getting the boilerplate code and parser hooked up.

2024-05-26 16:27: I think I have most of the data being parsed #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 08:34: back to task parsing, where was I here? #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 08:38: Right, time for thinking about SQL schemas #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 08:48: Also trying to make the text files they are in a kind of group #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 09:06: get insert statements for tasks working #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 09:10: hook up to rest of files #task-sqlite-gen

2024-05-27 09:15: Again with the string escaping in SQLite #task-sqlite-gen