Impossible day 2: Make a sound toy for the gameboy

Impossible day 2: Make a sound toy for the gameboy

task id: impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 09:37: Impossible Day Goals #impossible-day-2

This time around, I am hoping to learn how to make some kind of musical instrument sound toy for the gameboy. I want to do it in assembly, and I want it to run on my analogue pocket. If I build a ROM that allows me to push buttons and make it actively control the APU somehow, I'd call that a win.

2024-07-16 09:50: Get Spirtualized GB/GBC on Pocket #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 10:05: technical difficulties: clicking on roms doesn't load them #impossible-day-2

I click on it, and then they disappear.

2024-07-16 10:18: Curate some links. Scope. #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 10:28: Installing RGBDS #impossible-day-2

Works! -- Also tried some emulators. Does not work, yet.

2024-07-16 11:12: mgba is available on alpine, but maybe no sound? #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 12:06: glitchy sound. sigh. #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 13:02: Mostly reading part 1 of the tutorial #impossible-day-2 #timelog:01:01:29

Also skimming a few other documents while doing this.

2024-07-16 14:28: Trying to make the hello world make a sound. (nevermind) #impossible-day-2 #timelog:00:04:13

Actually, I'm going to do the part 2 tutorial now. I feel like I need more context than what the docs are giving me, and it would be nice to have something I know works.

2024-07-16 14:33: Doing part of second tutorial #impossible-day-2 #timelog:00:27:15

Got it displaying stuff with a Duck.

Thing is, 16:30 is coming up quickly, and sound is more important than making a game. If I can figure out to just get a pulse working, that'll be a success.

2024-07-16 15:11: Jumping back to sound #impossible-day-2 #timelog:01:14:10

Let's see if I can get an always on tone with unbricked, then I'll feel like I've accomplished something original.

2024-07-16 15:33: Sound works in mgba, but not on openFPGA #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 15:48: Looking at GBDK C examples now #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 15:52: Trying the beep example. #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 15:57: Nope wow compiling GBDK is too cursed #impossible-day-2

2024-07-16 16:09: I gotta see if this works on the actual cartridge or not #impossible-day-2

It does not.

2024-07-17 08:37: follow-up #impossible-day-2

I figured out that some of the example game does have sound working. I don't know what I am missing here. Don't think I'll have much more time for this during my batch though.