project scoping for "A Blob Named Bucket"

project scoping for "A Blob Named Bucket"

task id: bucket-initial-scoping

2024-06-24 10:45: Brainstorm: Bucket Verbs #bucket-initial-scoping #timelog:00:09:38

2024-06-25 09:36: Make tiny games before this small game #bucket-initial-scoping

I want to build demos exploring a some of the core "verbs" I wrote down, like "poke", "eat", "move (to target). Probably in p5. Sound design would be a great thing to garnish it with after. Sound design will be another task too.

2024-06-26 09:25: Prototyping the initial game using p5 is probably a good move #bucket-initial-scoping

Other than the sound engine working, getting the drawing pipeline working feels like it'll be the most time consuming thing. I don't know if I want to spend my time doing that.

2024-06-27 08:52: I really need to get this done soon. #bucket-initial-scoping

Basically, "A Blob Named Bucket" will most likely be a culmination of other mechanics I try out.

As I type this. I can't help but wonder if this will be too time consuming to try and implement.

You know what. I'm going to story-board the gameplay for bucket. That's what is missing.

2024-06-27 08:55: Task created #bucket-storyboard #bucket-initial-scoping

A good follow-up to my initial scoping. I'm kind of paralyzed with tech stack choices, and I'm very limited with time, so boiling down game design is a good choice. I know how with a certain degree of accuracy how long pen and paper takes.