Create "reset" for rephasor/gesture

Create "reset" for rephasor/gesture

task id: gesture-reset

2024-07-19 08:26: Task created for gesture reset #gesture-reset #demo-trio

I want to not only do the fix, but create a test in the test suite that showcases the problem before the fix is created, just so I know that I properly understand the problem that I am trying to solve.

2024-07-19 12:26: Implement Phasor Reset (attempt) #gesture-reset #timelog:01:06:58

2024-07-19 12:32: Implementing initial phasor reset test #gesture-reset

Somehow, this needs to simulate a phasor reset, and measure specifically what goes wrong.

2024-07-19 13:14: My initial idea of skipping a sample didn't work #gesture-reset

I need to re-remember how this rephasor works. Luckily, I wrote documentation for the C implementation.

The current rust implementation is a little cryptic. Add docstrings now.

2024-07-19 13:33: comments added. going to scratch my head how to solve this one #gesture-reset