improve tongue interface for voxbox

improve tongue interface for voxbox

task id: voxbox-tongue-interface

2024-06-20 13:08: Time to look at this tongue interface again. #voxbox-tongue-interface #timelog:01:17:47

2024-06-20 13:16: I think I might keep the diams vector in for now #voxbox-tongue-interface #create-diams-interface

It's very helpful for tongue control.

2024-06-20 13:27: Going to add smoothing to the tongue #voxbox-tongue-interface

this proved to be more challenging than I expected because I was flipping between instantaneous and filtered and I wanted to make sure that doing things like setting the smooth amount wouldn't cause any jumps, which lead to some subtle logic. I think I got it mostly right. Well, good enough.