implement rephasor

implement rephasor

this is the core thing behind a gesture signal generator.

task id: implement-rephasor

2024-06-10 08:29: rephasor sometime this week? #implement-rephasor

Thinking about building a simple gesture signal generator in Rust this week.

2024-06-12 13:30: Pre-rephasor work #implement-rephasor

2024-06-12 13:33: Working on rephasor on my linux box yay #implement-rephasor

2024-06-12 13:35: Beginning initial work #implement-rephasor #timelog:01:00:00

2024-06-12 13:37: Boilerplate code from phasor #implement-rephasor

2024-06-12 13:38: Copy over rephasor struct from sndkit #implement-rephasor

2024-06-12 13:53: Building out initial example #implement-rephasor

2024-06-12 14:37: Initial implementation with example done #implement-rephasor