re-examine resume #career

re-examine resume #career

task id: resume-setup

2024-05-28 09:56: Resume building can happen next week I think #resume-setup

2024-06-30 13:41: Time to think about resume this week #what-now-week7 #resume-setup

2024-07-01 08:36: Plans on doing this today #resume-setup

2024-07-01 09:43: I am drafting up a new resume #resume-setup #timelog:00:21:27

Scew it, outlining in markdown. Text will set us free.

2024-07-01 10:05: An outline of a resume has been made in markdown #resume-setup

it is stored in this repo under resume/

I should pandoc this at some point. -- okay it didn't work out of the box and this frustrates me.

Crazy overengineered idea. Write the resume in dagzet, compile to SQLite, then produce tex structure from this.

2024-07-02 10:43: Structuring my graph using dagzet notation. #resume-setup #timelog:00:13:10

I think I want to implemented an ordered list command.

2024-07-03 08:11: Ordered lists in dagzet needed for resume #resume-setup #dagzet-lists

I know, I know, I'm overengineering this.

2024-07-03 15:32: back to adding structure to resume. #resume-setup #timelog:00:40:44

2024-07-03 15:50: I need to think about how I'm going to template this. #resume-setup

As a sidetrack, try to see how hard text templates

2024-07-03 16:16: This was a very unproductive 40 minutes. #resume-setup

I tried exploring go templates briefly. I don't think this is really going to help me. The data format is what is most important. I think I'm just going whip something up in janet, shell, or lua.

2024-07-04 09:29: I really need to focus and get this done by EOD Friday #resume-setup

I keep procrastinating and yak-shaving on this.

2024-07-05 08:09: Plan: use existing data today to make Tex Generator #resume-setup

2024-07-05 10:54: can I still build my old tex resume? #resume-setup #timelog:01:00:06

Short answer is: no.

Okay, so I just want to preview the data right now. I'm going to render to markup. 11:49 I wrote a CV in plain tex once, trying to compile #resume-setup It still works!

2024-07-05 13:13: Back to the resume. Filling in more details. #resume-setup #timelog:01:04:52

2024-07-06 16:00: Work out initial TeX backend based on cv.tex #resume-setup #timelog:00:43:48

2024-07-07 09:40: Data for projects, then done? #resume-setup

2024-07-07 17:08: Adding project details to resume #resume-setup #timelog:00:30:32

2024-07-07 17:41: Project links maybe? #resume-setup

This is looking pretty good though.

2024-07-08 08:17: Try to get project links working today #resume-setup

Timebox it to about 30 minutes. Give it one last look, then send it to Jobs Chat.

2024-07-08 15:59: Quick attempt at project links #resume-setup #timelog:00:20:06

I think I already have URL code in the TeX code?

oops maybe not

2024-07-10 09:38: Sending this off. #resume-setup