read "react: your first component"
task id: react-first-component2024-06-13 09:42: attempt to link task to dznode #react-first-component #dz-webdev-react-your-first-component
2024-06-13 09:46: The test page will be react first component, linked here #test-dz-log-task-linking #react-first-component
Will follow up on this... at some point.
2024-06-14 10:07: Starting react: your first component. #react-first-component #timelog:00:41:03
2024-06-14 10:10: You know what, I'm printing and sending this to my remarkable #react-first-component
I don't want the eye strain reading on this OLED screen.
2024-06-14 10:18: Printed all the sections in this chapter, including this one. #react-first-component #react-describing-ui
I didn't realize how the documentation was organized. So, I've created a new task called react-describing-ui.
2024-06-14 10:19: Making new chapter tasks, a bit of a tangent #react-first-component
2024-06-14 10:52: Okay done with this section. #react-first-component #react-describing-ui
I'll just be tacking on reading progress on this section on react-describing-ui from this point forward.
The "dz" is the prefix for a node in the dagzet. following that is the path, with slashes "/" replaced with dashes "-".
As a proof of concept, I'll need to write a program that can use this log entry to link the task it belongs to the dagzet node being referenced here.