LC75: Leetcode 75 (main)add-position-to-tasks: add position variable to tasks (main)
blob-coax: Create "blob" eat/coax mechanics program (priority)
bucket-storyboard: Storyboard the gameplay of "A Blob Named Bucket" (demos)
building-rust-mentality: reading: building a rust mentality (reading)
compeng-resources: Import CE resources and links into knowledge graph (demos)
comprehensive-rust: reading: comprehensive rust (reading)
create-diams-interface: create separate diameters interface (voxbox)
dagzet-ink: Get ink set up on dagzet (priority)
demo-blob: Demo: a Blob Named Bucket (demos)
demo-crossfade-shapes: add shape crossfader support (voxbox)
demo-ensemble: "singing faces ensemble" demo (demos)
demo-preset-export: add preset export for initial demo (voxbox)
demo-tongue-control: "tongue control" demo (voxbox)
demo-trio-low-timing: Investigate low voice timing issues (nevermind)
dynamic-programming-research: Dynamic programming research (priority)
dzgraph-hyperlinks: make it possible to link dzgraphs (main)
effective-rust: reading: effective rust (reading)
implement-osc: implement table-lookup oscillator in boing^3 (DSP)
investigate-c2rust: Investigate c2rust (nevermind)
investigate-xmrsplayer: Investigate XMrsPlayer (nevermind)
itparser-rust: Implement IT parser in Rust (priority)
leaving-rust-gamedev: reading: leaving rust gamedev after 3 years (reading)
poke-collision-sounds: Add collision sounds to poke (demos)
poke-evolving-sounds: Add evolving sounds to poke (nevermind)
poke-laughter-chitter: implement laughter and chitter (nevermind)
poke-pellets: Add the ability to have pellets (demos)
procedural-macros-rust: reading: procedural macros in rust (reading)
react-escape-hatches: read React: escape hatches (web)
react-installation: read React: installation (web)
read-TADM: Read The Algorithm Design Manual (priority)
read-algorithm-interviews: Read "An Algorithm For Passing Interviews" (priority)
read-cracking-coding-interview: Read Cracking The Coding Interview (priority)
reading-dbint: Read Database Internals (main)
refactor-glotfilt-traits: Refactor glotfilt to use traits (rust)
retrospective: work on retrospective (priority)
study-ripgrep: code study: ripgrep (code_study)
study-rusty-bikes: code study: rusty bikes (code_study)
study-synthkit: code study: synthkit (code_study)
study-termimad: code study: termimad (code_study)
test-dz-log-task-linking: proof of concept: link dagzet node to task via log entry (nevermind)
tic80-voxbox: hello voxbox in tic80 (demos)
too-many-linked-lists: Learn rust with too many linked lists (reading)
vocal-chords-older-iphone: Get vocal chords working on older iphone (voxbox)
voxbox-better-size-control: Improve tract size/length control with interpolation (voxbox)
voxbox-cargo-clippy: Fix errors when cargo-clippy is run (voxbox)
voxbox-shape-morphing: add shape morphing with linear gesture (voxbox)
voxsculpt-preset-manager: create preset manager for voxsculpt (nevermind)