Leetcode 75 problem review

Leetcode 75 problem review

For each problem on the list, I want to make sure they in my dagzet database <</leetcode>>, and that solutions are submitted to LC.

task id: LC75-review

2024-11-27 10:21: 1768: Merge strings alternately #LC75-review #timelog:00:10:54

2024-11-27 10:21: 1768 study #LC75-review #timelog:00:08:11

2024-11-27 10:43: 1071: greatest common diviser of strings #LC75-review #timelog:00:22:34

Edge case: my brute force doesn't account that the GCD also needs to divide into the smaller string. Will need to rethink.

Okay, I added some extra code in there and now it seems to work. The code is sloppy and should be refined.

2024-11-28 10:33: 1071 Review #LC75-review #timelog:00:32:56

2024-11-28 20:41: 1431: kids with greatest number of candies #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:23

I feel like I'm missing something with this one.

2024-11-28 20:46: 1431 study #LC75-review #timelog:00:02:00

2024-11-28 20:50: 605 can place flowers #LC75-review #timelog:00:32:00

I don't like what I've done, but it works.

2024-11-28 21:23: 605 research #LC75-review #timelog:00:06:44

2024-11-28 21:32: 345 reverse vowels of a string #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:29

2024-11-28 21:37: 345 research #LC75-review #timelog:00:03:45

2024-12-01 19:18: 151: reverse words in string #LC75-review #timelog:00:15:00

2024-12-02 10:16: 151: 151 reverse words in string #LC75-review #timelog:00:08:00

2024-12-02 10:24: 334: 334 Increasing triplet subsequence #LC75-review #timelog:00:29:00

2024-12-02 10:52: 443: 443 String Compression #LC75-review #timelog:01:00:00

2024-12-02 11:52: 282: 282 Move zeroes #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:00

2024-12-02 12:12: 392: 392 Is subsequence #LC75-review #timelog:00:08:00

2024-12-04 21:19: 1679: Max number of K-sum pairs #LC75-review #timelog:00:10:34

2024-12-04 21:32: 643: maximum average subarray 1 #LC75-review #timelog:00:24:18

2024-12-05 17:52: LC 1456: maximum number of vowels in a substring of given length #LC75-review #timelog:00:17:27

2024-12-05 18:11: LC 1004: maximum consecutive ones #LC75-review #timelog:01:24:12

2024-12-05 19:36: LC 1004: Ouchie I keep falling into edge cases #LC75-review

Time to pull out.

2024-12-05 20:20: 1004 a little bit more struggle. #LC75-review #timelog:00:31:18

2024-12-06 08:30: One more swing #LC75-review #timelog:00:05:00

2024-12-06 08:35: 1004 review and editorial #LC75-review #timelog:00:13:00

2024-12-06 08:49: 1493 Longest Subarray of 1s after deleting one element #LC75-review #timelog:00:15:00

2024-12-06 09:06: 1732 Find The Highest Altitude #LC75-review #timelog:00:09:00

2024-12-06 09:16: 724 Find the pivot index #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:00

2024-12-06 09:59: 2215 Find the difference between two arrays #LC75-review #timelog:00:25:00

2024-12-06 10:27: 1207 Unique number of occurrences #LC75-review #timelog:00:10:00

2024-12-06 10:38: 1657 Determine if Two Strings are Close #LC75-review #timelog:00:14:00

2024-12-06 10:53: 2352 Equal row and column pairs #LC75-review #timelog:00:38:00

2024-12-07 09:02: 2390 Removing Stars From a String #LC75-review #timelog:00:20:00

2024-12-07 09:23: 735 Asteroid Collision #LC75-review #timelog:00:45:00

2024-12-07 10:16: 394 decode string #LC75-review #timelog:01:00:00

2024-12-08 14:21: 933 number of recent calls #LC75-review #timelog:00:11:36

2024-12-08 14:35: 649 Dota2 Senate #LC75-review #timelog:00:49:22

2024-12-09 15:24: LC 2095 Delete middle node of linked list #LC75-review #timelog:00:06:53

Still need to add this to my dagzet

2024-12-10 08:43: finish up LC 2095 #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:09

2024-12-10 09:03: 328: odd/even linked list #LC75-review #timelog:00:37:44

2024-12-10 09:43: 328 review #LC75-review #timelog:00:09:45

2024-12-10 09:58: 2130 max twin sum of a linked list #LC75-review #timelog:00:56:56

2024-12-10 11:02: 2130 review #LC75-review #timelog:00:11:23

2024-12-10 11:44: 206 reverse linked list #LC75-review #timelog:00:01:09

2024-12-10 12:12: 827 Leaf Similar trees #LC75-review #timelog:01:15:16

2024-12-10 13:31: 827 research #LC75-review #timelog:00:20:18

2024-12-10 13:36: Looks like my first solution was the approach #LC75-review #dz:leetcode/problems/872_leaf_similar_trees

The editorial solution has something very slick with yield() syntax.

2024-12-10 14:26: 1448 Count good nodes in binary tree #LC75-review #timelog:00:07:32

2024-12-10 14:26: 1448 add to dagzet #LC75-review #timelog:00:06:15

2024-12-12 09:27: 437 Path Sum iii #LC75-review #timelog:00:45:49

2024-12-12 10:28: 437 Review #LC75-review #timelog:01:05:42

2024-12-12 10:31: looking at 560 to understand 437 #LC75-review #dz:leetcode/problems/560_subarray_sum_equals_k

2024-12-12 11:50: 1372 Longest ZigZag #LC75-review #timelog:00:13:57

2024-12-12 12:04: 1372 Study #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:14

2024-12-12 12:11: 1161 max level sum of binary tree #LC75-review #timelog:00:09:28

2024-12-12 12:24: 1161 study #LC75-review #timelog:00:01:28

2024-12-12 12:27: 700 Binary Search Tree #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:00

2024-12-12 12:54: 450 Delete node in BST #LC75-review #timelog:00:38:41

2024-12-12 13:34: 450 Study #LC75-review #timelog:00:37:06

2024-12-13 08:50: 841 keys and rooms #LC75-review #timelog:00:08:34

2024-12-13 09:00: 841 research #LC75-review #timelog:00:13:06

2024-12-13 12:56: 547 Number of provinces #LC75-review #timelog:00:09:14

2024-12-13 13:05: 547 Review #LC75-review #timelog:00:02:10

2024-12-13 13:09: 1466 Reorder all routes to make all paths lead to the city zero #LC75-review #timelog:00:32:05

2024-12-13 13:46: 1466 review #LC75-review #timelog:00:05:00

2024-12-13 13:57: 399 Evaluate Division #LC75-review #timelog:00:25:12

2024-12-13 15:29: 399 Continued #LC75-review #timelog:00:27:49

2024-12-13 16:16: 1926 find nearest exit from entrance in maze #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:19

2024-12-13 19:25: 215 kth largest element in an array #LC75-review #timelog:00:09:06

2024-12-15 12:33: 2336 smallest number in infinite set #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:00

2024-12-15 13:57: 2336 continued #LC75-review #timelog:00:08:00

2024-12-15 14:05: 2336 knowledge graphing #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:00

2024-12-15 16:02: 2542 maximum subsequence score #LC75-review #timelog:01:00:00

2024-12-15 18:41: Do we have to sort the nums2 list? #LC75-review #dz:leetcode/problems/2542_maximum_subsequence_score

2024-12-15 20:01: 2462 total cost to hire K workers #LC75-review #timelog:00:30:00

2024-12-19 10:41: Even more 2462 #LC75-review #timelog:00:18:00

2024-12-19 11:04: 374 Guess number lower or higher #LC75-review #timelog:00:12:00

I feel so dyslexic with binary search.

2024-12-19 11:21: 2300 Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions #LC75-review #timelog:00:20:00

2024-12-19 11:47: 2300 review #LC75-review #timelog:00:19:00

2024-12-19 14:01: 162 find peak element #LC75-review

2024-12-19 14:38: 162 review #LC75-review #timelog:00:12:00

2024-12-19 14:53: 875 Koko eating bananas #LC75-review #timelog:00:19:00

2024-12-19 15:18: 216 combination sum iii #LC75-review #timelog:00:11:00

2024-12-21 08:26: 1137 nth tribonacci number #LC75-review #timelog:00:10:00

2024-12-21 08:36: 1137 Review #LC75-review #timelog:00:04:00

2024-12-21 08:40: 746 min cost climbing stairs #LC75-review #timelog:00:12:00

2024-12-21 08:56: 790 Domino and Tromino Tiling #LC75-review #timelog:01:10:00

2024-12-21 10:05: 790 editorial #LC75-review #timelog:00:36:00

2024-12-27 09:32: 1143 longest common subsequence #timelog:00:33:28 #LC75-review

2024-12-27 10:20: 1143 study #LC75-review #timelog:00:32:06

2024-12-27 12:57: 714 initially looksie #LC75-review

2024-12-28 10:15: 714 Best time to buy/sell stock with transaction fee #LC75-review #timelog:01:04:34

2024-12-28 11:20: 714 initial review #LC75-review #timelog:00:11:14

2024-12-28 21:05: Examine 714 #LC75-review #timelog:00:10:49

2024-12-28 21:30: 136 Single number #LC75-review #timelog:00:02:28

2025-01-03 08:20: edit distance #LC75-review #timelog:00:30:00

2025-01-03 09:12: Counting bits #LC75-review

2025-01-04 09:33: 72 Edit distance #LC75-review #timelog:00:28:07

2025-01-05 12:12: Another shot at thinking about edit distance #LC75-review #timelog:01:04:53