Improve tract size/length control with interpolation

Improve tract size/length control with interpolation

task id: voxbox-better-size-control

2024-06-16 14:12: Follow-up: add interpolation for smoother size transitions #voxbox-size-control #voxbox-better-size-control

2024-06-21 09:08: Will look at this today if there's time #voxbox-better-size-control

2024-06-21 13:02: Adding tractlen control to OSC model #voxbox-better-size-control #timelog:00:03:47

This will be a good way to test out tract length while on my Linux box. -- Actually, this won't work. Interpolation doesn't smooth discontinuities, but allows smoothing transitions with floating point values. I will need to build an example.

2024-06-21 13:08: Building tract length example instead #voxbox-better-size-control #timelog:00:06:00

2024-06-21 13:15: The glitches are there (deliberately), now to see if they can be smoothed #voxbox-better-size-control #timelog:00:30:00

2024-06-21 13:45: This is not working as expected #voxbox-better-size-control

I was hoping this would be a quick matter of linear interpolation between the last two samples at the output, but I I'm still getting issues. It's starting to turn into more of a DSP problem than I'd like it be, which is not why I'm here at this program. So, I'm putting it to rest for now.

The attempts are managed in the "tractlen" branch on my voxbox repo

2024-06-21 14:50: trying one more thing... #voxbox-better-size-control #timelog:00:18:43

Somehow I think the fractional tract length needs to be considered while computing the scatering junctions. But I'm not sure how yet. I added in best guess but it's not right. Okay I really really need to stop this.

2024-06-24 08:22: De-prioritizing. #voxbox-better-size-control

As I think I've mentioned already, this is turning out to be more of a DSP problem, less of a programmer problem. It'd be cool to have at some point, but not during my time at RC.