dz / leetcode / problemsNode Tree
- 1004_max_consecutive_ones_iii
- 1011_capacity_ship_packages_d_days
- 104_max_depth_binary_tree
- 1071_GCD_of_strings
- 110_balanced_binary_tree
- 1207_unique_number_of_occurrences
- 121_best_time_to_sell_and_buy_stock
- 125_valid_palindrome
- 137_single_number_2
- 141_linked_list_cycle
- 1431_kids_with_greatest_number_of_candies
- 1456_max_vowels_in_substring
- 1493_longest_subarray_ones_deleting_elem
- 151_reverse_words_in_a_string
- 155_min_stack
- 1657_close_strings
- 1679_max_number_of_ksum_pairs
- 169_majority_element
- 1732_find_highest_altitude
- 1768_merge_strings_alternately
- 187_repeated_DNA_sequences
- 1_two_sum
- 200_number_of_islands
- 2034_stock_price_fluctuation
- 20_valid_parentheses
- 217_contains_duplicate
- 21_merge_two_sorted_lists
- 2215_difference_two_arrays
- 232_implement_queue_using_stacks
- 2352_equal_row_column_pairs
- 235_lowest_common_ancestor_BST
- 238_product_of_array_except_self
- 242_valid_anagram
- 260_single_number_3
- 278_first_bad_version
- 282_move_zeros
- 287_find_the_duplicate_number
- 318_max_product_word_lengths
- 322_coin_change
- 334_increasing_triplet_subseq
- 33_search_in_rotated_sorted_array
- 345_reverse_vowels_stringa
- 34_first_last_sorted_array
- 392_is_subsequence
- 39_combination_sum
- 443_string_compression
- 543_diameter_of_binary_tree
- 605_can_place_flowers
- 635_design_log_storage_system
- 643_maximum_average_subarray
- 67_add_binary
- 704_binary_search
- 724_pivot_index
- 875_koko_eating_bananas
- 876_middle_of_linked_list
- 89_validate_binary_search_tree
- 994_rotting_oranges
322_coin_change | |
content | 322: Coin Change |
children | leetcode/references/optimization_problem (can be modeled as an optimization problem,using the "standard form"), leetcode/references/optimal_substructure (the coin change problem has an optimal substructure property), leetcode/python/lru_cache (used in top-down dynamic programming solution to avoid TLE), leetcode/references/bottom_up_top_down (DP solutions for top-down and bottoms-up), leetcode/references/recurrence_relation (Editorial: "the following recurrence relation holds") |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/dynamic_programming, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
238_product_of_array_except_self | |
content | 238: Product of array except self |
children | leetcode/references/prefix_sum (Left/right product sum solution reminds me of prefix sum tables) |
parents | leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
155_min_stack | |
content | 155: Min Stack |
parents | leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
89_validate_binary_search_tree | |
content | 89: Validate Binary Search Tree |
children | leetcode/references/tree_traversal/in_order (one solution for validating BST is using in-order traversal), leetcode/data_structures/binary_search_tree |
parents | leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
200_number_of_islands | |
content | LC 200: number of islands |
children | leetcode/paradigms/breadth_first_search, leetcode/references/disjoint_data_set (One of the esoteric solutions involves using a union find,disjoint data set) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/depth_first_search, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
994_rotting_oranges | |
content | 994: number of islands |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/breadth_first_search |
hyperlink | |
33_search_in_rotated_sorted_array | |
content | 33: search in rotated sorted array |
children | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
parents | leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
39_combination_sum | |
content | 39: Combination sum |
children | leetcode/references/knapsack_problem (this problem initially reminded me of a knapsack problem,,except that this problem enumerating all possibilities,instead of finding an optimal one) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/backtracking, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
34_first_last_sorted_array | |
content | 34: Find first and last element in sorted array |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search/upper_bound, leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
remarks | "find a range" problem |
hyperlink | |
278_first_bad_version | |
content | 278: First Bad Version |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search, leetcode/paradigms/binary_search/lower_bound |
hyperlink | |
875_koko_eating_bananas | |
content | 875: Koko eating bananas |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search, leetcode/paradigms/binary_search/lower_bound |
hyperlink | |
1011_capacity_ship_packages_d_days | |
content | 1011: Capacity to ship packages within D days |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search/lower_bound |
hyperlink | |
1_two_sum | |
content | 1: two-sum |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
20_valid_parentheses | |
content | 20: Valid Parentheses |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/stack, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
21_merge_two_sorted_lists | |
content | 21: Merge two sorted lists |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/linked_list, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
121_best_time_to_sell_and_buy_stock | |
content | 121: Best Time to Sell and Buy Stock |
children | leetcode/references/maximum_subarray_problem (reminds me of this problem), leetcode/references/kadanes (I thought of Kadane's while working through this, though,I'm not sure how related they are) |
parents | leetcode/grind75, leetcode/paradigms/greedy |
125_valid_palindrome | |
content | 125: valid palindrome |
children | python/docs/stdtypes/str/isnumeric (I used this initially because I didn't know about isalnum), python/docs/reference/expressions/lambda (used with map/filter in reverse approach), python/double_colon_reverse (trick used in reverse approach to do reversing. Not sure,why it didn't use reverse()), python/docs/stdtypes/str/lower (Converted to all lowercase to make string case-insensitive), python/docs/stdlib/filter (In reversed approach, filter is used to whittle down the,input string to only contain alphanumeric characters), python/docs/stdtypes/str/isalnum (used to detect if string is alphanumeric), python/docs/stdtypes/str/isalpha (I used this initially because I didn't know about isalnum), python/docs/stdlib/map (In reversed approach, map is used to converted characters,to be lowercase) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/two_pointer, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
242_valid_anagram | |
content | 242: valid anagram |
children | python/docs/stdlib/data_types/collections/counter (built-in counter() turns this problem into a one-liner solution) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
704_binary_search | |
content | 704: binary search |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
235_lowest_common_ancestor_BST | |
content | 235: Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of a Binary Search Tree |
children | leetcode/references/lowest_common_ancestor |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_search_tree, leetcode/grind75 |
2034_stock_price_fluctuation | |
content | 2034: Stock Price Fluctuation |
hyperlink | |
635_design_log_storage_system | |
content | 635: Design Log Storage System |
hyperlink | |
110_balanced_binary_tree | |
content | 110: balanced binary tree |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_tree, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
141_linked_list_cycle | |
content | 141: Linked List Cycle |
children | leetcode/references/floyds_algorithm (Elegant solution with O(n) time and O(1) space), python/docs/glossary/hashable ("Objects which are instances of user-defined classes are hashable by default". This would have been good to know while attempting to solve this problem.), python/docs/stdtypes/set (useful data structure in python for simple case) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/linked_list, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
287_find_the_duplicate_number | |
content | 287: Find the duplicate number |
children | leetcode/references/floyds_algorithm (one solution this problem uses a variant on floyd's algorithm) |
parents | leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
232_implement_queue_using_stacks | |
content | Implement Queue using stacks |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/stack, leetcode/data_structures/queue |
hyperlink | |
169_majority_element | |
content | 169: Majority Element |
children | python/docs/stdtypes/generator (divide-and-conquer solution, made use of iterator generators in sum() object), leetcode/references/boyer_moore_majority_vote_algorithm (A way to solve in linear time with O(1) space) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/grind75 |
remarks | lots of weird solutions for this one, but hash map |
hyperlink | |
67_add_binary | |
content | 67: Add Binary |
children | python/docs/stdlib/int (int(a,2) will convert a base 2 represented string value a to number), python/docs/stdtypes/str/format (One-liner: "{0:b}".format(int(a, 2) + int(b, 2))), python/docs/stdtypes/str/zfill (in bit-by-bit manipulation problem, zfill is used to leftpad with 0s), python/docs/stdlib/bin (used by bitwise manipulation solution to convert number to binary string,at the end.) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/bit_manipulation, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
137_single_number_2 | |
content | 137: Single number 2 |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/bit_manipulation |
hyperlink | |
260_single_number_3 | |
content | 260: single number 3 |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/bit_manipulation |
hyperlink | |
187_repeated_DNA_sequences | |
content | 187: repeated DNA sequences |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/bit_manipulation |
hyperlink | |
318_max_product_word_lengths | |
content | 318: Maximum product of word lengths |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/bit_manipulation |
hyperlink | |
543_diameter_of_binary_tree | |
content | 543: Diameter of Binary Tree |
children | python/docs/reference/simple_statements/nonlocal (used in the editorial example, when a "global", declared inside,of a function, was used inside of nested function), leetcode/references/binary_tree/terminology/degree (Article refers to a leaf as any node having 1 degree,,including the root node if it has 1 degree or less) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_tree, leetcode/data_structures/binary_tree/depth_first_traversal |
hyperlink | |
876_middle_of_linked_list | |
content | 876: Middle of Linked List |
parents | leetcode/references/floyds_algorithm, leetcode/data_structures/linked_list, leetcode/grind75 |
remarks | Fast/slow pointer |
hyperlink | |
104_max_depth_binary_tree | |
content | 104: maximum depth of binary tree |
children | leetcode/references/tail_call (an optimzed solution involves tail recursion and BFS,,where the tail call is the recursive function) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_tree, leetcode/grind75 |
hyperlink | |
217_contains_duplicate | |
content | 217: Contains duplicate |
children | python/docs/stdtypes/set |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table |
hyperlink | |
1768_merge_strings_alternately | |
content | 1768: merge strings alternative |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/array_string, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1071_GCD_of_strings | |
content | 1071: greatest common divisor of strings |
children | python/docs/stdlib/re/sub (The C++ brute force solution uses string substitution, which,can be reproduced with re.sub()), python/docs/stdlib/math/gcd (there's this really proof-y math-y solution that is quite,short in python because it uses the built-in gcd() function), python/repeat_strings (Really helpful to use this operator in brute force solution to this problem) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/array_string, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1431_kids_with_greatest_number_of_candies | |
content | 1431: Kids with greatest number of candies |
parents | leetcode/leetcode75, leetcode/paradigms/array_string |
hyperlink | |
605_can_place_flowers | |
content | 605: Can place flowers |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/array_string, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
345_reverse_vowels_stringa | |
content | 345: reverse vowels of a string |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/two_pointer, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
151_reverse_words_in_a_string | |
content | 151: Reverse words in a string |
parents | leetcode/leetcode75, leetcode/paradigms/array_string |
hyperlink | |
334_increasing_triplet_subseq | |
content | 334: Increasing triplet subsequence |
parents | leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
443_string_compression | |
content | 443: String Compression |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/array_string, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
282_move_zeros | |
content | 282: move zeros |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/two_pointer, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
392_is_subsequence | |
content | 392: is subsequence |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/two_pointer, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1679_max_number_of_ksum_pairs | |
content | 1679: Max number of ksum pairs |
parents | leetcode/leetcode75, leetcode/paradigms/two_pointer |
hyperlink | |
643_maximum_average_subarray | |
content | 643: maximum average subarray |
children | leetcode/references/prefix_sum (editorial used a cumulative sum to solve this,,AKA prefix sum. It was a little strange.) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/sliding_window, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1456_max_vowels_in_substring | |
content | 1456 max vowels in a substring of given length |
children | python/boolean_value_coercion (coercing bools to ints shaves some lines off code) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/sliding_window, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1004_max_consecutive_ones_iii | |
content | 1001 Max consecutive ones iii |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/sliding_window |
hyperlink | |
1493_longest_subarray_ones_deleting_elem | |
content | 1493: Longest Subarray of Ones after deleting one element |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/sliding_window, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1732_find_highest_altitude | |
content | 1732: find highest altitude |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/prefix_sum, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
724_pivot_index | |
content | 724 Pivot Index |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/prefix_sum, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
2215_difference_two_arrays | |
content | 2215: Find the difference of two arrays |
children | python/docs/stdtypes/set/intersection (Got familiar with intersection method for this problem), python/docs/stdtypes/set/difference |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/set, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1207_unique_number_of_occurrences | |
content | 1207: unique number of occurrences |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/set, leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
1657_close_strings | |
content | 1657: Determine if two strings are close |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |
2352_equal_row_column_pairs | |
content | 2352: Equal row and column pairs |
children | python/docs/glossary/hashable (Tuples are hashable, which you can use to build up a counter map to solve this problem efficiently) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, leetcode/leetcode75 |
hyperlink | |