dz / leetcode / referencesSubgraphs
Node Tree
- abstract_data_type
- algorithmic_paradigm
- associative_array
- backtracking
- binary_search
- binary_search_java
- binary_search_leetcode
- binary_search_tree
- binary_tree
- bottom_up_top_down
- boyer_moore_majority_vote_algorithm
- breadth_first_search
- combinatorial_optimization
- depth_first_search
- disjoint_data_set
- dynamic_programming
- floyds_algorithm
- greedy_algorithm
- linked_list
- lowest_common_ancestor
- maximum_subarray_problem
- opionated_guide_binary_search
- optimal_substructure
- optimization_problem
- prefix_sum
- queues
- tail_call
- tree_traversal
- two_pointer_technique
optimization_problem | |
content | Optimization Problem (Computer Science): the problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. |
children | candidate_solution (the "best solution" is a candidate solution) |
parents | leetcode/problems/322_coin_change |
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flashcard (front) | What is an optimization problem? |
flashcard (back) | the problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. |
candidate_solution | |
content | Candidate solution: member of the set of possible solutions in the feasible region of given problems. |
parents | optimization_problem |
flashcard (front) | What is a candidate solution? |
flashcard (back) | A candidate solution is a solution in the feasible region of given problems. |
optimal_substructure | |
content | Optimal Substructure: in computer sience, a problem is said to have optimal substructure if an optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of its subproblems. |
children | recurrence_relation (used to represent optimal substructure) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/dynamic_programming, leetcode/problems/322_coin_change |
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flashcard (front) | What is optimal substructure? |
flashcard (back) | Optimal substructure is a property of a problem where an optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of its subproblems. |
recurrence_relation | |
content | Recurrence Relation: In mathematics, a recurrence relation is an equation according to which the n nth term of a sequence of numbers is equal to some combination of the previous terms. |
parents | optimal_substructure, leetcode/problems/322_coin_change |
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bottom_up_top_down | |
content | Bottom-up and Top-down design: are both strategies of information processing and ordering knowledge, used in a variety of fields including software, humanistic and scientific theories (see systemics), and management and organization. In practice they can be seen as a style of thinking, teaching, or leadership. |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/dynamic_programming, leetcode/problems/322_coin_change |
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dynamic_programming | |
content | Dynamic Programming: A mathematicl optimization method and an algorithmic paradigm. |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/dynamic_programming |
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algorithmic_paradigm | |
content | Algorithmic Paradigm: An algorithmic paradigm is a generic model or framework which underlies the design of a class of algorithms. |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/algorithmic_paradigm |
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prefix_sum | |
content | Prefix Sum |
parents | leetcode/problems/643_maximum_average_subarray, leetcode/problems/238_product_of_array_except_self |
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binary_search_tree | |
content | Binary Search Tree |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_search_tree |
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tree_traversal | |
content | tree traversal |
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depth_first_search | |
content | Depth-First-Search (DFS) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/depth_first_search |
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disjoint_data_set | |
content | Disjoint Data Set: a data structure that stores a collection of disjoint (non-overlapping) sets. |
parents | leetcode/problems/200_number_of_islands |
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breadth_first_search | |
content | Bread-first search (BFS) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/breadth_first_search |
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binary_search | |
content | Binary Search: algorithm that finds the position of a target value in a sorted array. |
children | sorted_array (sorted array is the data structure used in binary search) |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
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binary_search_java | |
content | Binary Search code snippet in Java, with with code comments |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
remarks | Recommended by EV |
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sorted_array | |
content | Sorted Array: an array data structure where each element is sorted in numerical, alphabetical, or some other order. |
parents | binary_search |
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opionated_guide_binary_search | |
content | An opinionated guide to binary search |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
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backtracking | |
content | Backtracking |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/backtracking |
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knapsack_problem | |
content | Knapsack problem: given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine which items to include in the collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. |
parents | combinatorial_optimization, leetcode/problems/39_combination_sum |
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flashcard (front) | What is the knapsack problem? |
flashcard (back) | The knapsack problem can be described as: given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine which items to include in the collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. |
combinatorial_optimization | |
content | Combinatorial optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization that consists of finding an optimal object from a finite set of objects,[1] where the set of feasible solutions is discrete or can be reduced to a discrete set. |
children | knapsack_problem (knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization) |
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binary_search_leetcode | |
content | Binary Search Leetcode explore card |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/binary_search |
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hash_table | |
content | A hash table is a data structure that implements an associative array, also called a dictionary or map. |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/hash_table, associative_array |
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associative_array | |
content | associative array: an abstract data type that stores a collection of key-value pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. |
children | hash_table (a hash table implements an associative array) |
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abstract_data_type | |
content | abstract data type: mathematical model for data types, defined by its behavior (semantics) from the point of view of a user of the data, specifically in terms of possible values, possible operations on the data of this type, and the behavior of these operations. |
children | stack |
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stack | |
content | Stack (abstract data type) |
parents | abstract_data_type |
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linked_list | |
content | linked list |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/linked_list |
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maximum_subarray_problem | |
content | Maximum Subarray problem |
children | kadanes (used to solve maximum subarray problem) |
parents | leetcode/problems/121_best_time_to_sell_and_buy_stock |
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kadanes | |
content | Kadane's algorithm |
parents | leetcode/problems/121_best_time_to_sell_and_buy_stock, maximum_subarray_problem |
hyperlink |'s_algorithm |
greedy_algorithm | |
content | Greedy Algorithm |
parents | leetcode/paradigms/greedy |
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two_pointer_technique | |
content | Two-Pointer Technique (leetcode) |
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lowest_common_ancestor | |
content | Lowest Common Ancestor: the LCA of two nodes v and w in a tree or DAG is the lowest node that has both v and w as descendants, where we define each node to be a descendant of itself |
parents | leetcode/problems/235_lowest_common_ancestor_BST |
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binary_tree | |
content | Binary Tree: tree data structure in which a node has at most two children: a left child and a right child. |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/binary_tree |
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floyds_algorithm | |
content | Floyd's Cycle Finding Algorithm |
children | leetcode/problems/876_middle_of_linked_list (the fast/slow pointer trick made me think of floyd's algorithm) |
parents | leetcode/problems/287_find_the_duplicate_number, leetcode/data_structures/linked_list, leetcode/problems/141_linked_list_cycle |
hyperlink |'s_tortoise_and_hare |
flashcard (front) | Describe Floyd's algorithm |
flashcard (back) | Floyd's algorithm can be used for cycle detection in linked lists (think tortois and hare). You a slow pointer a fast pointer. If there's a cycle, the fast pointer will eventually lap the fast pointer. |
queues | |
content | Queue (Abstract Data Type) |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/queue |
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boyer_moore_majority_vote_algorithm | |
content | Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm |
parents | leetcode/problems/169_majority_element |
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tail_call | |
content | tail call: subroutine performed as the final action of a procedure |
parents | leetcode/problems/104_max_depth_binary_tree |
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