dz / pythonSummary
stuff about python
Node Tree
- boolean_value_coercion
- docs
- double_colon_operator
- heapsort_examples
- pop_on_empty_stack
- pyright
- repeat_strings
- timsort
- unpacking_argument_lists
- walrus_operator
walrus_operator | |
content | the walrus operator |
remarks | this came up while looking up how to parse a file line-by-line in python. |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |
timsort | |
content | Timsort: the underlying algorithm used by Python for =sort= and =sorted=. |
remarks | Found via Fluent Python, via EV |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |
heapsort_examples | |
content | heapsort examples |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |
docs | |
content | Python Documentation |
children | docs/glossary |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |
double_colon_reverse | |
content | x[::-1] can be used to reverse items in a list |
parents | double_colon_operator, leetcode/problems/125_valid_palindrome |
location | knowledge/ |
double_colon_operator | |
content | double colon operator: x[start:stop:step] |
children | double_colon_reverse |
parents | docs/stdtypes/common_sequence_ops |
location | knowledge/ |
repeat_strings | |
content | x = "hello", x*3 would be "hellohellohello" |
parents | leetcode/problems/1071_GCD_of_strings |
location | knowledge/ |
boolean_value_coercion | |
content | Boolean values can be coerced to ints using int(). int(True) is 1, int(False) is 0. |
parents | javascript/coercion, leetcode/problems/1456_max_vowels_in_substring |
location | knowledge/ |
pop_on_empty_stack | |
content | Pop on empty stack: stk.pop() if stk else None |
parents | leetcode/data_structures/stack, leetcode/problems/2390_removing_stars_from_a_string |
location | knowledge/ |
unpacking_argument_lists | |
content | Unpacking argument lits, aka "*x" (star operator) |
children | javascript/spread_syntax (similar concept) |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |
pyright | |
content | pyright: static type checker for python |
hyperlink | |
location | knowledge/ |