1-bit stuff

1-bit stuff

All things 1-bit here. But mostly music.

A tiny forum for things 1-bit music: http://randomflux.info/1bit/.

Pikachus' cry in pokemon explained: the video that got me re-inspired to look at 1-bit music.

1-bit symphony by Tristan Perich is classic: http://www.1bitsymphony.com/

A paper on 1-bit music: The 1-Bit Instrument, by Blake Troise

Dr. Blake Troise, AKA protodome, focused on 1-bit music for his PhD. Lots of great links there, including their mmml project.

Here's what I've been saying about various things 1-bit on my feed, usually using the hashtag 1bit:

2020-11-04 15:07:02: hatching is a monochrome system traditionally used in woodcuts and engravings to denote tinctures (colors) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatching_(heraldry) #1bit #links
2020-10-15 17:42:59: sitelen telo v1.01, a japanese logographic script for toki pona. might want to try to make a #1bit version of this for (btprnt) https://www.reddit.com/r/tokipona/comments/jax1x2/sitelen_telo_v101_a_japaneseinspired_logographic/ #links #tokipona
2020-10-09 17:27:55: a 1-bit delay line? basically could be used to store audio-rate impulses, clocks, and triggers. the buffer would be a bitbuffer, so it would be a very memory-efficient. the notion of feedback some kind of feedback could be compelling too... #halfbakedideas #1bit
2020-10-07 10:05:51: a 1bit version of this iconset would be pretty neat https://icons.mono.company/ #links #halfbakedideas
2020-10-06 10:22:12: added a #1bit dither page to the #monolith wiki: /proj/monolith/wiki/dither_1bit #updates
2020-10-03 17:09:13: hoard of bitfonts: https://github.com/robhagemans/hoard-of-bitfonts #links #typography #bitmap #fonts #1bit #8bit #pixelart
2020-10-03 17:08:17: typography in 8 bits: system fonts: https://damieng.com/blog/2011/02/20/typography-in-8-bits-system-fonts #links #typography #1bit #8bit #pixelart
2020-10-01 14:16:32: a collection of clarisworks patterns: https://hecanjog.com/claris/claris.html #links #1bit
2020-09-04 16:12:06: made a page for (1bit) music and stuff
2020-09-01 09:48:39: bitnoise is a 1-bit noise generator. #sndkit #NES #1bit

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