dz / miscSummary
miscellaneous tidbits of knowledge
Node Tree
- algebraic_types_rest_of_us
- applied_DSP
- artemisia_agnus_dei
- boston_cream_pie
- browser_engineering
- coqtail
- descript
- dotguide
- flask_tutorial
- high_fidelity_neural_audio_compression
- i_miss_lorina_bulwer
- ithkuil
- jackdaw
- libevdev_get_abs_maximum
- mouthplay
- occt_draw
- pacman_c_sokol
- perceiver_ar_long_context_music_generation
- pixel_pusher
- pointcloud_garden
- readline_shortcuts
- sqlite_substring_special_character
- tinkerbell
- update_rust
- vim_dash_autocomplete
- vim_no_autocomments
- vim_no_autoindent
- wav_spec
- wiki_property_testing
vim_dash_autocomplete | |
content | How to set up autocomplete for names with dashes in Vim. 'iskeyword+=\-' was good enough for my needs. |
hyperlink | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10789430/vims-ctrlp-autocomplete-for-identifiers-with-dash |
tags | vim |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:4 |
update_rust | |
content | If you used rustup, just do `rustup update`. |
remarks | TIL that rustup stays on your system, not just a shell script |
hyperlink | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37928591/is-there-a-command-to-update-cargo-to-the-latest-official-release |
tags | rust |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:10 |
sqlite_substring_special_character | |
content | How to get substring up to special character: SUBSTR(col,1,INSTR(col,'#') -1) |
hyperlink | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21328295/sql-with-substring-to-a-special-character-with-sqlite |
tags | sqlite |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:16 |
wiki_property_testing | |
content | Wikipedia page for Property-Based testing |
remarks | S mentioned property-based testing in the software foundations chat |
hyperlink | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_testing |
tags | haskell, formal_methods |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:22 |
vim_no_autocomments | |
content | disable annoying autocomments: set formatoptions-=cro |
tags | vim |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:28 |
vim_no_autoindent | |
content | setl noai nocin nosi inde= |
tags | vim |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:32 |
wav_spec | |
content | WAV file specification |
remarks | Found this while trying to implement a WAV writer |
hyperlink | https://www.mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html |
tags | wav |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:36 |
flask_tutorial | |
content | flask tutorial |
remarks | found in zulip chat as a recommendation to someone, thought I'd save it for later. |
hyperlink | https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/quickstart/ |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:42 |
descript | |
content | descript: State-of-the-art audio codec with 90x compression factor. Supports 44.1kHz, 24kHz, and 16kHz mono/stereo audio. |
hyperlink | https://github.com/descriptinc/descript-audio-codec |
tags | audio, codecs |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:48 |
perceiver_ar_long_context_music_generation | |
content | Autoregressive long-context music generation with Perceiver AR |
hyperlink | https://magenta.tensorflow.org/perceiver-ar |
tags | codecs, musicai |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:54 |
high_fidelity_neural_audio_compression | |
content | high fidelity neural audio compression |
hyperlink | https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.13438 |
tags | codecs, audio, neuralaudio |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:59 |
coqtail | |
content | Interactive Coq Proofs in Vim |
parents | software_foundations/01_logical_foundations/top |
hyperlink | https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/Basics.html |
tags | coq, software_foundations |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:64 |
dotguide | |
content | Drawing Graphs with dot |
hyperlink | https://www.graphviz.org/pdf/dotguide.pdf |
tags | dot, graphviz, graph, papers |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:70 |
mouthplay | |
content | mouthplay: max4live model instrument that offers unconventional shaping of vocal tract with sound sources. |
hyperlink | https://dillonbastan.com/store/maxforlive/index.php?product=mouth-play |
tags | max4live, vocsynth |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:75 |
applied_DSP | |
content | Introduction to Applied Digital Signal Processing at Drexel University. |
remarks | Recommended by Charlie V. |
hyperlink | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGeXEwdNd_s&list=PL_QS1A2ZqaG7p50cd0AgLeG9Q3TN64vZJ |
tags | dsp |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:81 |
pointcloud_garden | |
content | pointcloud.garden |
hyperlink | www.pointcloud.garden/ |
tags | gfx |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:87 |
pixel_pusher | |
content | PixelPusher Game Source Code |
children | pixel_pusher_trailer (trailer) |
remarks | made by RC alum, shared on graphics meet up june 18, 2024 |
hyperlink | https://gitlab.com/awjchen/pixelpusher |
tags | gamedev, code |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:92 |
pixel_pusher_trailer | |
content | pixel pusher trailer |
parents | pixel_pusher |
hyperlink | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MbBVXSkxkE |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:98 |
occt_draw | |
content | OCCT Draw Harness for the browser |
children | open_cascade_technology_wikipedia (context) |
hyperlink | https://gkv311.github.io/occt-draw/ |
tags | gfx |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:104 |
open_cascade_technology_wikipedia | |
content | Open Cascade Technology Wikipedia Article |
parents | occt_draw |
hyperlink | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Cascade_Technology |
tags | wikipedia, gfx |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:109 |
artemisia_agnus_dei | |
content | Artemisia Trio: Agnus Dei (Traditional Corsican Village Chant) |
hyperlink | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do186kUmeM4 |
tags | singing, acapella |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:116 |
pacman_c_sokol | |
content | Pacman single-header file implement in C |
hyperlink | https://github.com/floooh/pacman.c |
tags | gamedev, sokol, code |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:121 |
boston_cream_pie | |
content | Boston Cream Pie |
remarks | recipe by JG |
hyperlink | https://www.seriouseats.com/boston-cream-pie-recipe-8629075 |
tags | food, baking |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:126 |
browser_engineering | |
content | Web Browser Engineering |
remarks | found on zulip |
hyperlink | https://browser.engineering/ |
tags | web, books |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:132 |
algebraic_types_rest_of_us | |
content | Algebraic Types for The Rest of Us |
children | effect_system (related concept I think) |
hyperlink | https://overreacted.io/algebraic-effects-for-the-rest-of-us/ |
tags | webdev |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:138 |
effect_system | |
content | Effect System |
parents | algebraic_types_rest_of_us |
hyperlink | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_system |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:143 |
ithkuil | |
content | Ithkuil Conlang |
remarks | mentioned by isaac r |
hyperlink | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ithkuil |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:157 |
tinkerbell | |
content | tinkerbell map |
remarks | mentioned during "chaos" show and tell |
hyperlink | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinkerbell_map |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:162 |
libevdev_get_abs_maximum | |
content | libevdev_get_abs_maximum(): how to get max res of tablet automaticaly. |
hyperlink | https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libevdev/doc/latest/group__bits.html#ga97a3411ae85f1f3b5c5eb1d5351b11ca]] |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:167 |
jackdaw | |
content | JackDAW: A keyboard focused Digital Audio Workstation, taking some cues from non-linear editors |
remarks | Made by Recurser CV |
hyperlink | https://github.com/chvolow24/jackdaw |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:172 |
i_miss_lorina_bulwer | |
hyperlink | https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/i-miss-lorina-bulwer |
location | knowledge/misc.dz:178 |
readline_shortcuts | |
content | Readline keyboard shortcuts |
remarks | Recommended to me as a way to become more proficient at web-based text editors used in interviews. These are apparently supported by default in most OSX interfaces. |
hyperlink | https://github.com/chzyer/readline/blob/master/doc/shortcut.md |