dz / compengNode Tree
cceckman_resources | |
content | Computer Engineering Resources |
children | 7400_IC_wikipedia, logism_evolution, ken_shiriff_blog, riscv, computer_organization_design, nand2tetris, tiny_tapeout, HDL_wikipedia (cceckman: At least in the hobby universe, there are HDLs that,are easier to understand than the incumbents (Verilog VHDL).), FPGA/wikipedia (linked on cceckman resources page), FPGA/ULX3S (cceckman has heard good things about this), FPGA/fomu, FPGA/yosys_oss_cad_suite |
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location | knowledge/ |
nand2tetris | |
content | nand2tetris |
children | computer_organization_design (cceckman: good for a second or third course in computer,architecture after nand2tetris) |
parents | cceckman_resources |
remarks | cceckman: This starting point skips over the more "electrical" side of things, like how to construct logic gates and memories out of transistors. But it's a great place to start if you're coming from a programming background. |
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location | knowledge/ |
logism_evolution | |
content | logism evolution: digitial logic design tool and simulator |
parents | cceckman_resources |
remarks | cceckman used a version of logism during their first logical design course. Drag and drop logic gates and wires, watch them toggle on and off. This seems to be an actively maintained community version of the now-retired Logism software. |
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location | knowledge/ |
ken_shiriff_blog | |
content | Ken Shiriff's Blog |
parents | cceckman_resources |
remarks | reverse engineering of processors, such as 8088 or Pentium |
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location | knowledge/ |
computer_organization_design | |
content | Computer Organization and Design by Patterso And Hennesey |
parents | nand2tetris, cceckman_resources |
remarks | cceckman: as of 2024, I'd recommend the RISC-V editions, 2017 or later. |
location | knowledge/ |
riscv | |
content | RISC-V |
parents | cceckman_resources |
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location | knowledge/ |
7400_IC_wikipedia | |
content | 7400-series integrated circuits (wikipedia) |
parents | cceckman_resources |
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location | knowledge/ |
HDL_wikipedia | |
content | Hardware Description Language (wikipedia) |
parents | cceckman_resources |
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location | knowledge/ |
tiny_tapeout | |
content | Tiny Tapeout |
parents | cceckman_resources |
remarks | cceckman: Tiny Tapeout looks like a neat project. By putting many small projects into a single integrated circuit, they can amortize the per-IC costs, putting custom silicon into the "reachable for classrooms" price category. |
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