

radicals glyph sheet

1. Radicals?

In the Brutalist Gesture Notation system, the radicalis a 4x4 block of 1-bit pixels. It is considered the core building block for things like L-Glyphs and Diacritics. They are considered a core building block for these components.

The name "radical" is a term borrowed from the Chinese writing system. Chinese characters, especially those in simplified chinese, are often made up of smaller parts called radicals.

2. Tangled File Output

Radicals are saved in a text file, to be parsed by utilities found in loadtiles.


3. Janet Macros

Assuming this is loaded into a 6x6 tilemap, this janet file provides names for each radical, as well as their location.

(def radicals @{


(defn radicals-bp []
  (def loadtiles-file (dofile "loadtiles/loadtiles.janet"))
  (def gen-tilemap ((loadtiles-file 'gen-tilemap) :value))
  (def tmap
    (gen-tilemap "radicals/radicals.txt" 4 4 6 6))

  (def canvas @[0 0 (* 48 6) (* 48 6)])
  (def bp (btprnt/new (canvas 2) (canvas 3)))

  (def zoom 2)

  (def geneva9 (btprnt/macfont-load "fonts/geneva_9"))

  (each k (keys radicals )
    (def glyph (radicals k))
    (def grid (btprnt/grid
                bp canvas 6 6 (glyph 0) (glyph 1)))
    (def text (string k))

      bp geneva9 
        (- (/ (grid 2) 2)
           (/ (btprnt/macfont-linewidth geneva9 text) 2)))
      (- (grid 3) 13) text 1)

    (def center (btprnt/centerbox 
                  (+ (* 4 zoom) 2)
                  (+ (* 4 zoom) 2)))

    (btprnt/outline bp center 1)
      bp tmap
      1 1
      (glyph 0) (glyph 1)
      4 4
      zoom 1)

  (btprnt/del tmap)

4. Radicals

4.1. Empty Space

It is a natural choice to set the initial tile to be an empty space.

:empty @[0 0]

4.2. Dot

The "dot" serves as a wonderful ornamentation. It is completely centered, and as a nice 2x2 size to it.

:dot @[1 0]

4.3. Block

A block is the opposite of empty space. It's completely filled. This can sometimes be useful for debugging. Otherwise, it probably should be avoided. This one tends to be too bulky.

:block @[2 0]

4.4. Box

A box outlines the area wit a 1 pixel border. It also happens to be the inverse of a dot.

:box @[3 0]

4.5. Tees

A "T" shape. These make for good end points.

4.5.1. Top/Bottom Tee

:ttee @[4 0]
:btee @[5 0]

4.5.2. Left/Right Tee

:ltee @[0 1]
:rtee @[1 1]

4.6. Stubs

Stubs are understated ways to end paths.

4.6.1. Top/Bottom Stub

:tstub @[2 1]
:bstub @[3 1]

4.6.2. Left/Right Stub

:lstub @[4 1]
:rstub @[5 1]

4.7. Stripes and Pipes

Stripes produce a center line, both vertically and horizontally.

:vstripe @[0 2]
:hstripe @[1 2]

Pipes are the inverse of stripes. They get their name because their edges make it look like a pipe.

:vpipe @[2 2]
:hpipe @[3 2]

4.8. Knees

Knees add a bend to a path. They particularly useful for L-Glyphs.

4.8.1. Top Knees

Top Left.


Top Right.

:tlknee @[4 2]
:trknee @[5 2]

4.8.2. Bottom Knees

Bottom Left.


Bottom Right.

:blknee @[0 3]
:brknee @[1 3]

4.9. Squiggles

Squiggles are S or Z shapes that can be connected together to from a suiqggly line. These are typically used for diacritics.

Squiggle 1:


Squiggle 2:

:squig1 @[2 3]
:squig2 @[3 3]

4.10. Brackets

These are another "capper" for paths.

4.10.1. Top/Bottom Bracket

Top Bracket.


Bottom Bracket.

:tbrack @[4 3]
:bbrack @[5 3]

4.10.2. Left/Right Bracket

Left Bracket.


Right Bracket.

:lbrack @[0 4]
:rbrack @[1 4]

4.11. Lines

Occasionally, one needs lines that are off to the side. But only occasionally.

4.11.1. Top/Bottom

Top Line.


Bottom Line.

:tline @[2 4]
:bline @[3 4]

4.11.2. Left/Right

Left Line.


Right Line.

:lline @[4 4]
:rline @[5 4]

5. Demo

Here's the tile map of all the diacritics. It would be very cool to turn this into an image map at some point.


  (def loadtiles-file (dofile "loadtiles/loadtiles.janet"))
  (def gen-tilemap ((loadtiles-file 'gen-tilemap) :value))
  (def rmap
    (gen-tilemap "radicals/radicals.txt" 4 4 6 6))

  (def bp (btprnt/new 256 256))
  (def canvas @[0 0 256 256])
  (def padding 2)
  (def zoom 4)
  (def sz (+ 5 (* 6 (+ (* 4 zoom) (* 2 padding)))))
  (def main (btprnt/centerbox bp canvas sz sz))
  (def border
    (btprnt/centerbox bp canvas
                      (+ sz 36)
                      (+ sz 36)))

  (btprnt/outline bp main 1)

  (for x 0 6
      bp main
      (+ (* 4 zoom)
         (* 2 padding)
         (* (+ (* 4 zoom) (* 2 padding) 1) x))
      (main 3)

  (for y 0 6
      bp main
      (+ (* 4 zoom)
         (* 2 padding)
         (* (+ (* 4 zoom) (* 2 padding) 1) y))
      (main 3)

  (for y 0 6
    (for x 0 6
        bp rmap main
        (+ padding (* (+ (* 4 zoom) (* 2 padding) 1) x))
        (+ padding (* (+ (* 4 zoom) (* 2 padding) 1) y))
        x y
        4 4 zoom 1)))

  (def chicago_12 (btprnt/macfont-load "fonts/chicago_12"))
  (def text "Core Radicals")

    bp chicago_12
      (- (/ (border 2) 2)
         (/ (btprnt/macfont-linewidth chicago_12 text) 2)))
    0 text 1)

  (bpimg bp "radicals")
  (btprnt/del bp)
  (btprnt/del rmap))