

1. Some Initial Words and Prethoughts

In the (proposed) gesture notation system, diacritics, or ornamentation above the glyph, will serve to denote the behavior of the gesture at that point in time.

Gesture algorithms such as the Gesture Signal Generator can be thought of as a specialized kind of breakpoint line generator, similar to automation curves found in a DAW. Both take in points spaced out by durations, and then they fill out those areas in between those points to produce a continuous line segment. This "filling out" method is often discussed using terms like "interpolation" or "interpolation method". In this context, the term "behavior" is used to describe the way one point transitions to the next point.

The term "behavior" was chosen because it felt more musically relevant. The way a melody travels from one note to the next indeed can say a lot about the underlying mood or behavior of the particular phrase, oftentimes more so than the notes (pitches) themselves.

The proposed gesture notation specification reserves the entire overbar region for diacritical marks, as well as the left and right "flaps" underneath it.

The overbar is long and skinny. It has a thickness of 4 pixels, and length of 24 pixels.

The overbar can be broken in to 4x4 pixel squares, similar to L-glyphs. There are 6 of these squares instead of just 4, which can lead to subdivisions and groupings of 6, 3, and 2. The flaps are each 2 4x4 squares, yielding an additional 4 squares.

At the moment, there are 4 actively used behaviors: step, linear, exponential, and gliss. Gliss has at least 3 modes: small medium large. Exponential has those modes as well, with an additional mode inidicating positive or negative slope.

4x4 squares can be arranged in two ways on the overbar. One way is to lay 6 of them out so that bar is evenly divided into four sections. The second way is to treat the ends of the bar as margins 2 pixels wide, and to divide the remaining space into 5 4x4 squares. The latter gives some things that are aesthetically pleasing: a center square, and some padding.

2. The Proto-Diacritics

Here are some imagined diacritical marks. Perhaps some of these will end up being used to notate behavior in a gesture:


3. The Code

The image above was procedurally generated using Janet code to produce an inline PNG image.

It's probably not worth the time to break this down into smaller codeblocks and talk about. I will leave the mess as is.

The gist of this program is similar to those that have preceded it like curated_lglyphs and protosigils: a handful of pre-made tiles are loaded up into memory via loadtiles, and then these are arranged to produce the diacritics you see on the page. Some abstractions have been made to make it easier to explore new combinations.

  (def loadtiles-file (dofile "loadtiles/loadtiles.janet"))
  (def gen-tilemap ((loadtiles-file 'gen-tilemap) :value))
  (def tmap
    (gen-tilemap "protodiacritics/dsquares.txt" 4 4 6 6))

  (def stripe @[5 0])
  (def lcap @[3 1])
  (def rcap @[4 1])
  (def dot @[1 0])
  (def empty @[0 0])
  (def rtee @[3 0])
  (def ltee @[4 0])
  (def box @[0 1])
  (def pipe @[5 1])
  (def lbrack @[1 1])
  (def rbrack @[2 1])
  (def tlknee @[0 2])
  (def trknee @[1 2])
  (def blknee @[2 2])
  (def brknee @[3 2])
  (def topline @[4 2])
  (def squig1 @[5 2])
  (def squig2 @[0 3])

  (def bp (btprnt/new 256 256))
  (def canvas @[0 0 256 256])
  (def zoom 2)
  (def padding 1)
  (def main (btprnt/border bp canvas 14))

  (def glyphbox
      bp main (* 32 zoom) (* 32 zoom)))

  (def center
      bp glyphbox
      (* (+ 24 (* 2 padding)) zoom)
      (* (+ 24 (* 2 padding)) zoom)))

  (defn draw-radical [bp reg rad pos &opt centerpad]
    (default centerpad 2)
      bp tmap
      (* (+ (* pos 4) padding centerpad) zoom) (* padding zoom)
      (rad 0) (rad 1)
      4 4
      zoom 1))

  (defn draw-side-radical [bp reg rad pos]
      bp tmap
      (* (+ padding (* (pos 0) 20)) zoom)
      (* (+ padding (* (+ (pos 1) 1) 4)) zoom)
      (rad 0) (rad 1)
      4 4
      zoom 1))

  (defn draw-diacritic [bp glyph rads &opt side-rads]
    (default side-rads nil)
    (def centerpad (if (= (length rads) 5) 2 0))
    (for i 0 (length rads)
      (draw-radical bp glyph (rads i) i centerpad))

    (if-not (nil? side-rads)
        (if-not (nil? (side-rads 0))
          (draw-side-radical bp glyph (side-rads 0) @[0 0]))
        (if-not (nil? (side-rads 1))
          (draw-side-radical bp glyph (side-rads 1) @[0 1]))
        (if-not (nil? (side-rads 2))
          (draw-side-radical bp glyph (side-rads 2) @[1 0]))
        (if-not (nil? (side-rads 3))
          (draw-side-radical bp glyph (side-rads 3) @[1 1])))))

  (def diacritics
      @[empty empty dot empty empty]
      @[lcap stripe stripe stripe stripe rcap]
      @[lcap stripe stripe stripe stripe rtee]
      @[ltee stripe stripe stripe stripe rtee]
      @[lcap rtee empty ltee rcap]
      @[dot empty dot empty dot]
      @[empty empty dot dot empty empty]
      @[empty empty box empty empty]
      @[lcap rtee dot ltee rcap]
      @[lbrack pipe pipe pipe pipe rbrack]
      @[tlknee stripe trknee tlknee stripe trknee]
      @[empty box empty box empty]
      @[empty tlknee box trknee empty]
      @[tlknee brknee lcap rcap blknee trknee]
      @[squig1 squig2 squig1 squig2 squig1 squig2]
      @[empty blknee stripe brknee empty]))

  (defn draw-dbox [d x y &opt side-rads]
    (default side-rads nil)
    (def dbox
        (btprnt/grid bp main 4 4 x y)
        (* (+ 24 (* padding 2)) zoom)
        (* (+ 24 (* padding 2)) zoom)

      bp dbox (diacritics d) side-rads)

    (btprnt/outline bp dbox 1))

  (draw-dbox 0 0 0)
  (draw-dbox 1 1 0 @[dot nil dot nil])
  (draw-dbox 2 2 0)
  (draw-dbox 3 3 0 @[nil nil box stripe])
  (draw-dbox 4 0 1)
  (draw-dbox 5 1 1)
  (draw-dbox 6 2 1 @[tlknee blknee box rtee])
  (draw-dbox 7 3 1)
  (draw-dbox 8 0 2)
  (draw-dbox 9 1 2 @[dot nil dot nil])
  (draw-dbox 10 2 2)
  (draw-dbox 11 3 2)
  (draw-dbox 12 0 3)
  (draw-dbox 13 1 3 @[ltee dot rtee nil])
  (draw-dbox 14 2 3)
  (draw-dbox 15 3 3)

  (def chicago_12 (btprnt/macfont-load "fonts/chicago_12"))

    bp chicago_12
    8 (- 256 17) "protodiacritics" 1)

  (bpimg bp "protodiacritics")

  (btprnt/del bp)
  (btprnt/del tmap))

4. Final words and post-thoughts

This is my third, and most likely final prototyping design, as behavior diacritics are the last point of consideration for my overall system.

One of the subtle things I discovered while making things was the importance of alignment between the overbar and the "flaps". In the course of making these, I made slight adjustments to some of the core tilesets to make them line up better.

With all the main components made, I've begun to string things all together to see what it looks like. For the most part, I am pleased, though I find myself thinking about line thickness. For the most part, black "lines" are 2 pixels thick, but occasionally you'll find radicals that are 1 pixel thick. It can sometimes look a little uneven.

The radicals chosen for the "flaps" need to be chosen carefully. There's an aesthetic I'm going for that I can't fully articulate, but some of these combinations look better than others. Placement and contrext matters.