

Notebooks in the Brain are collections of pages written in ink. They are linked together in the zet. Using the zet and sqlarfs, PDFs can be dynamically generated.

List Notebooks

The current list of notebooks can be seen with the u/notebooks command.

$ u/notebooks
UUID		Top Page	Title
gdjhkjajd	guojhfhsq	Thoughts and Ideas 2022
guroejsed	glprhjkqu	TADM notes
gsusljsew	grjaokwps	TAOCP Notes

Here UUID refers to the UUID of the notebook construct, and Top Page is the UUID of the first page.

The Top Page is fed in as an argument to the PDF generators u/mkpdf and u/mkmonopdf (makes a monochrome PDF suitable for e-readers).

Create New Notbook with mknotebook

The u/mknotebook script will create a new notebook.

A top page must be created first, presumably the UUID of an ink page and u/ink_import_filelist:

$ u/ink_import_filelist ~/sqlar/ink.sqlar ~/ink/ ~/ink/files.txt

Then run

u/mknotebook TOP_UUID

Where TOP_UUID is the UUID of the first page (this can be changed later, I believe).

You'll then be prompted to enter a title for the notebook. Hit enter.

With any luck, the notebook will appear when you run the command u/notebooks.

Manually add notebook (OLD)

At the time of writing, there isn't a convenient way to make a new notebook. But here's how you'd do it:

1. Create a new UUID with a variable called "title". This is the name of the book.

2. Tie this UUID to the @notebook group.

3. Create a new variable associated with the item called "top". This will be set to the address of the page, which should be a filepath to a JPG file stored in the crate.

A valid notebook should automatically show up when the u/notebooks command is run.