

Part of my notetaking process involves writing things by hand using pen and paper.

Initial Scaling and Rotation

Pages are scanned using a portable wand scanner (using the low-res setting), and then they are scaled and rotated using imagemagick:

rotcc ()

    convert $IN -resize 50% -rotate -90 $OUT

rot ()

    convert $IN -resize 50% -rotate 90 $OUT

Pages are saved as JPG files.

Importing into Zet And Link to Notebook

A single page can be imported with the command u/ink_import. Inks are saved to their own SQLar archive, then imported into the Zet as a Crate item.

u/ink_import_all will import all files in a given directory with a ".jpg" extension.

u/ink_import_filelist will read from a list of files instead of a directory. The important distinction here is that files in the list will be linked together as continguous pages. It's important that the directory parameter points to the directory where all the jpg files are. The filelist shouldn't have any subdirectories, and each file should be on their own line.

Once imported, a zetdo task to review inked page is automatically created. This is done as a way to remind myself to revisit old ideas and brainstorms (a process I refer to as creative reinforcement).

To see pages for review, running "tagged ink" should be good enough. To see the next two pgaes on deck, run u/next_ink_todo.

To append pages to a note book:

Import pages:

$ u/ink_import_filelist ~/sqlar/ink.sqlar ~/ink/ ~/ink/files.txt

These will print UUIDs for each page imported, take note what the top one is (maybe use `head -n 1`?)

Find the top page of the desired notebook with

$ u/notebooks

Find the last page with

$ u/pages TOP_PAGE_UUID | tail -n 1

Set the last page to point to the first imported page:


SQLar Ink Validation

Use sqlar_validate to validate that the number of files in the SQLar file line up to the ones in the Zet.

u/sqlar_validate ~/sqlar/ink.sqlar

At the moment, there is a bug that returns a false negative if a directory is there.

New ink importing (append to existing notebook)

u/notebook_append gopqeoope ~/sqlar/ink.sqlar ~/ink/ ~/ink/sep13.txt

Ink Dagzet Curation

tagged ink > TODO.txt

Create dagzet nodes from template

u/ink_task_to_dagzet TODO.txt > dagzet/graph/

NOTE: generated dagzet file makes .jpg filenames, which will need to be replaced with .png files. global substitution should be fine.

update dagzet/util/, if needed.

regenerate the dagzet.


Next, extract any new ink from the ink sqlar.

Make sure the ink sqlar is mounted.

sqlarfs ~/sqlar/ink.sqlar tmp/

Then run the extract ink utility


When that's completed, the new files in res/brain/dz will need to be added to the GH repo.

Then, set the TODO items to be done.

./u/bulk_done TODO.txt