

dz / leetcode / longest_substr_no_repeats


Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

Node Tree


content URL
hyperlink https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters

content I think I can imagine a brute-force way to do this, but I vaguely remember reading about a more elegant solution The Algorithm Design Manual. Brute force involves starting at each character, and sweeping until it finds itself again, yielding approximately an O(n^2) algorithm. I think the more elegant solution involved a data structure or divide-and-conquer somehow.
children brute_force

content Brute Force involves two loops. The outer loop sweeps through every character. The inner loop starts at that character position, and continues until it finds a match or reaches the end. At the end of the inner loop, you'll have a size. If the size is the greatest one seen so far, it is stored along with the indice.
parents intuition

content So the CPP implementation is kinda weird. It's using a hash map to keep track of character positions. It's hard to tell if this is correct or not. It just seems overly complicated. There is an alternative verson that uses a flat array instead.
children hashmap_stores_last_known_position, no_inner_loop

content Ah, I'm starting to see a pattern with these solutions, they do not have an inner loop.
parents cpp_implementation

content The maxlen value is initialized at -1. That way, the first character (index 0) has a maxlen of 1. Not an obvious first thing.

content The hashmap data structure here is used to store the last known location of a particular character, if it existed at all. All that matters is the last seen character. The previous ones can be discarded.
children repeat_pos_latest_repeating_character
parents cpp_implementation

content The repeat position stored the latest repeating character (the greatest indice).
children distance_between_latest_repeating
parents hashmap_stores_last_known_position

content The distance is measured between the latest (last) repeating character, and the position of the current character. This is stored away if it is the longest distance it has seen.
children postion_always_updated_at_end
parents repeat_pos_latest_repeating_character

content The character position is always stored away at the end.
parents distance_between_latest_repeating