

dz / leetcode / 41_first_missing_positive


Given an unsorted integer array nums. Return the smallest positive integer that is not present in nums. You must implement an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and uses O(1) auxiliary space.

Node Tree


content URL
hyperlink https://leetcode.com/problems/first-missing-positive

content intuition
children attempt_1 (wrong because it fails to recognize the "not present"), constant_space, how_to_account_for_not_present, non_constant_space

content Find the minimum integer greater than zero, call in M, M-(M-1) gives the answer.
parents intuition

content How does one account for "not present" in unsorted array?
children what_does_sorting_get_you
parents intuition

content What does sorting get you? Does that count?
children sorted_approach
parents how_to_account_for_not_present

content if list is pre-sorted, one could do a linear sweep of sorts. The first missing positive integer would be a jump greater than 0.
parents what_does_sorting_get_you

content one hint says to think about non constant space...
children some_kind_of_binary_tree_check (hint says to think about trying to rework it in constant space), use_a_data_structure
parents intuition

content I bet this involves a data structure. Some kind of tree. You could populate the tree in one pass, then check the tree for holes.
children some_kind_of_binary_tree_check, use_hash_map_non_constant (I was thinking about trees not hash maps. oops)
parents non_constant_space

content constant space
parents intuition

content Instead of having it be an actual tree, you might be able to rework it so it only saves one item at a time, and have it do some kind of special check in the loop. The hint also reminds that O(n)=O(2n), so that would suggest that there could also be a sweep.
parents non_constant_space, use_a_data_structure

content editorial
children 1_index_as_hash_key

2024-05-01 16:09:24 I just want to go on the record and say how friggin stupid this problem is. The solution is way too clever and I don't think anyone should be expected to simply come up with this out of thin air.

content approach 1: index as hash key
children use_hash_map_non_constant (non-constant simpler solution), remove_non_positive
parents editorial

content Removing non-positive integers can be done by replacing them in place with 1. Check for 1 first, and if 1 is not there, then it was going to be your answer to begin with
children can_get_of_numbers_larger_than_n
parents 1_index_as_hash_key

content can also get rid of numbers larger than n, but I don't understand this
children toggle_negative_numbers_in_place (relies on this I think)
parents remove_non_positive

content hash map positive number -> its presence.
children toggle_negative_numbers_in_place (derived from this)
parents 1_index_as_hash_key, use_a_data_structure

content The trick here is to use the array itself as a structure to determine if the number is present or not. Say you find the number 3, you'd toggle the value x[3] to be negative, which is a way of knowing that this number exists. So, you're leveraging the negative bit flag, and the mutable nature of the array in order to keep the space constant.
parents use_hash_map_non_constant, can_get_of_numbers_larger_than_n