Brain File Listing
These are the main files for the brain, which consist of various PDFs of papers. These do not include things like voxlog or ink. A slightly better version of pdfs (woops, looks like I did this already lol)
UUID | filename | blurb |
[grrredaff] | 2019_1HistoryOfSpeechSynth_TheRoutledgeHandbook_wCover.pdf | |
[ghowikrqp] | 2106.08706.pdf | |
[glafjhjds] | 3dmathprimer.pdf | 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development by Fletcher Dunn |
[guesaierd] | 68000.pdf | |
[gifpkljio] | 68k2.pdf | |
[geusqsfqi] | Bytebeats_Beginners_Guide_TTNM_v1-5.pdf | |
[gdjoluhpk] | DAFx2019_paper_3.pdf | |
[giiewauli] | Degottex2010_PhD_v4_Final.pdf | Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation. PhD dissertation by Gilles Degottex. |
[guqoaofuq] | Ed_Mastery_Michael_W_Lucas.pdf | |
[glfsslhjk] | FreeBSD_Mastery_ZFS_Michael_W_Lucas.pdf | |
[glskifduh] | Generating_and_Controlling_Musical_Asymmetrical_Spectra-Palamin-1988.pdf | A Method of Generating and Controlling Musical Asymmetrical Spectra. Palamin and Palamin. |
[gqahhlwqf] | ICMC_2021_proceedings.pdf | |
[gddshwjoi] | INTERSPEECH_2021_Phoneme_to_Articulatory.pdf | another random paper on AT that was done in 2021. |
[gwdpllaaa] | IPA_Handbook.pdf | |
[gojsiaifa] | O-Reilly-SQL-Cookbook-2nd-Edition-Final.pdf | O'Reilly SQL Cookbook 2nd Edition |
[goheejhdj] | PRCThesis.pdf | |
[gqrkfrowk] | Prepared_piano_sound_synthesis.pdf | |
[gsudejisw] | REC-png.pdf | the specification for the PNG file format |
[gpsihwues] | Readings_in_Database_Systems.pdf | |
[grauuwdrw] | Roads_Curtis_ed_Composers_and_the_Computer_1985.pdf | |
[goqfwkiji] | SpeechProductionTheoryArticulatorySynthesis.pdf | Speech Production and Articulary Speech Synthesis by Qiguang Lin. This is a fairly in-depth paper on articulatory synthesis. I found this from Lu, who used the section on LF waveform generation to help with their dissertation. |
[gqqpoaepl] | StoryBunton_SpeechComm2017.pdf | |
[gdloalwur] | Tunable_digital_frequency_response_equalization_fi.pdf | |
[giopfruii] | US4249447.pdf | patent for single-oscillator feedback FM |
[gfqdljskw] | VAFilterDesign_2.1.0.pdf | The Art of VA Filter Design, by Vadim Zavalishin |
[giukeqjkq] | XM_file_format.pdf | The Unofficial File Format Specification |
[gjollllsk] | artic_fractional_control.pdf | articulary control of a waveguide model based on fractional delay waveguide filters |
[gwhupuude] | articulatory-synthesis-of-speech-and-singing-state-of-the-art-an.pdf | this is a 2009 paper that outlines the state-of-the-art for singing articulatory synthesis. probably worth a read. |
[grpqflswd] | blockdraw_mp.pdf | |
[gjelwwhsj] | ceptre-tog.pdf | Modeling Game Mechanics with Ceptre |
[glluqawks] | computer-networking-top-down-approach-8th.pdf | |
[gfjehshjf] | computer_systems_programmers_perspective.pdf | |
[gohohiwhw] | cook_patent.pdf | US patent for Perry Cook's digital waveguide speech synthesizer. |
[gppawqjjh] | crafting_interpreters.pdf | |
[gwwhwqhpp] | crocodilian.pdf | |
[geupfjwuk] | css_0_css_first_steps.pdf | |
[gjpodelpj] | css_1_css_building_blocks.pdf | |
[gqhdwlfer] | css_2_styling_text.pdf | |
[gkqalorek] | css_3_css_layout.pdf | |
[glpfqplfp] | curtis_roads_composing_electronic_music.pdf | |
[gwqqrofks] | dash1.plan9haters.pdf | |
[ghjruekju] | designing_data_intensive_applications.epub | |
[gsjwufjal] | designing_plugins_pirkle.pdf | Designing Audio Effect Plugins by William Pirkle |
[gspaowupj] | dmbook.pdf | Discrete Mathematics Lecture Notes |
[glhfjiwqk] | fant_1985_four_parameter_model.pdf | |
[greswfhds] | fant_1995.pdf | |
[gjlqahffp] | funphon.pdf | functional phonetics, by Boersma. This is the reference textbook used for the articulatory synthesizer in praat. |
[gioojdaau] | gbdev_pandocs.pdf | the "PanDocs" for gameboy development, printed from |
[grofikqeq] | gebbdoom.pdf | Game Engine Black Book: Doom |
[gularwhis] | go_by_example.pdf | Go by Example |
[ghsaafwka] | grokking_simplicity.pdf | Grokking Simplicity: Taming Complex Software With Functional Thinking by Eric Normand |
[gwddoqdql] | hardcastle_speech_production_and_speech_modelling.pdf | |
[geudarila] | html_0_intro_to_html.pdf | |
[glfrowpek] | html_1_multimedia_and_embedding.pdf | |
[gpeisjode] | html_2_html_tables.pdf | |
[gfhqwiswd] | js_0_javascript_first_steps.pdf | |
[gjijwewjd] | js_1_javascript_building_blocks.pdf | |
[guwpkfquo] | js_2_introducing_javascript_objects.pdf | |
[gquhkkdkl] | js_3_asynchronous_javascript.pdf | |
[gekksejss] | js_4_client_side_web_apis.pdf | |
[gwlsoqapl] | karplus_strong.pdf | |
[godofdhru] | kendall-timbre.pdf | |
[gplekqwlf] | kleppman_designing_data_intensive_applications.epub | Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann |
[goppsaqhl] | kleppman_designing_data_intensive_applications.pdf | Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppman (PDF version) |
[guieaeiwj] | krane_jasa2005.pdf | |
[ghwrrpejl] | ltfatnote050.pdf | |
[gqpkiehwd] | lu_smith_1999.pdf | |
[gfprlahlp] | lu_smith_glottal_source_modelling.pdf | |
[gasrhedwo] | lu_thesis.pdf | |
[guajohspi] | magnusson_sonic_writing.pdf | |
[gejwsjapp] | mathematics_for_cs.pdf | |
[gisifilqw] | mcs.pdf | Mathematics For Computer Science |
[grarrwdjh] | mftut.pdf | |
[glaahrquo] | mpboxes.pdf | |
[gqwkjplqj] | mpman.pdf | |
[gkpaiedor] | multiscaletruchet.pdf | |
[guiupqfwj] | mushtaq_khalid_glottalflow.pdf | |
[gdiluwdaa] | musixdoc.pdf | documentation for musixtex |
[glwpijksa] | onebitinstrument.pdf | |
[grwlhfsow] | os_3_easy_pieces.pdf | |
[glpfipjjj] | palestrina_masses_book1.pdf | |
[gfhqohpir] | palestrina_masses_book10.pdf | |
[gwpsuupkr] | palestrina_masses_book11.pdf | |
[guhqdhffa] | palestrina_masses_book12.pdf | |
[grjiidioe] | palestrina_masses_book13.pdf | |
[grfhhrrdl] | palestrina_masses_book14.pdf | |
[gfreuopak] | palestrina_masses_book15.pdf | |
[gldhksrle] | palestrina_masses_book2.pdf | |
[gsuujrjij] | palestrina_masses_book3.pdf | |
[gohilkwso] | palestrina_masses_book4.pdf | |
[ghlsspffw] | palestrina_masses_book5.pdf | |
[gsfjwiapu] | palestrina_masses_book6.pdf | |
[gqopfhdqe] | palestrina_masses_book7.pdf | |
[ghjikfeqw] | palestrina_masses_book8.pdf | |
[grspriioi] | palestrina_masses_book9.pdf | |
[gkireisrp] | palestrina_missa_assumpta_est_maria.pdf | Full score of Missa Assumpta est Maria by Palestrina |
[gssiuiheu] | palestrina_missarum_liber12.pdf | Palestrina: Missarum Liber 12 |
[ghkawirok] | palestrina_salve_regina.pdf | Score for Salve Regina by Palestrina |
[gswooauld] | paperIFIP21.pdf | a survey of compositional flow theory |
[gueikhukw] | pdf_from_xenakiss_upic_to_graphic_notation_today_zkm.pdf | |
[golahsjfw] | pmc_aesthetics-31686649459875.pdf | Permacomputing Aesthetics: Potential and Limits of Constraints in Computational Art, Design and Culture |
[gwrskldql] | pshirley_raytracing_oneweekend.pdf | |
[gpqwpljie] | rust_by_example.pdf | Rust by Example |
[gqwielrsi] | rustbook.pdf | |
[gkppuooqr] | sicp.pdf | |
[gilowqepw] | slt.2018.8639582.pdf | a 2018 paper on using deep learning to find VT area shapes. |
[gpajiishe] | stanm31.pdf | |
[gpoiesopo] | strik_1998.pdf | |
[gijjlreju] | structured_computer_organization.pdf | Structured Computer Organization by Andrew S Tanenbaum and Todd Austin |
[gipejljdq] | the_algorithm_design_manual.pdf | |
[gqppprpdl] | tpc2010.pdf | The Theory and Practice of Concurrency |
[gphdaparw] | ugh.pdf | |
[gqhdofjid] | upho2013.pdf | |
[grwuwllfj] | velhuis_1998.pdf | |
[gwwwhhjpe] | wolfang_ertel_intro_to_artificial_intelligence.pdf | "Introduction To Artificial Intelligence" by Wolfgang Ertel |
[gqwpisofp] | zen_mind_beginners_mind.pdf |