


tdiv is a clock divider for tiggers. Given a trigger signal, it will return a trigger signal every N ticks.

Tangled Files

Tangled files: tdiv.h and tdiv.c. SK_TDIV_PRIV will expose the struct.

#ifndef SK_TDIV_H
#define SK_TDIV_H

#ifndef SKFLT
#define SKFLT float





#define SK_TDIV_PRIV
#include "tdiv.h"

Struct Initialization

The tdiv struct sk_tdiv is intialized with sk_tdiv_init.

typedef struct sk_tdiv sk_tdiv;

struct sk_tdiv {
    int cnt;
    int div;
    int off;

void sk_tdiv_init(sk_tdiv *tdiv);

void sk_tdiv_init(sk_tdiv *tdiv)
    tdiv->cnt = 0;
    sk_tdiv_offset(tdiv, 0);
    sk_tdiv_divide(tdiv, 4);


There are two parameters that control tdiv: divideand offset.

void sk_tdiv_offset(sk_tdiv *tdiv, int offset);
void sk_tdiv_divide(sk_tdiv *tdiv, int divide);

The divide parameter sets the divide amount. If set to 1, the clock will return a tick every time. If set to 2, every other time, 3 is every 3 times. Etc, etc.

Divide parameters should be at least 1, as a value of 1 will just output a trigger every time.

(Historical note: The old implementation in soundpipe used the modulo operation which would cause this to crash when set to zero. This new version doesn't use modulo so it is now a non-issue.)

void sk_tdiv_divide(sk_tdiv *tdiv, int divide)
    if (divide > 0) tdiv->div = divide;

The offset parameter shifts when a trigger happens. A clock divider with a division of 4 would measure time as (0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3...). When the offset is 0, it would trigger on 0, when it's 1, it would trigger on 1, etc.

void sk_tdiv_offset(sk_tdiv *tdiv, int offset)
    tdiv->off = offset;


Computation of a tdiv sample is done with sk_tdiv_tick. It expects a trigger signal as input.

SKFLT sk_tdiv_tick(sk_tdiv *td, SKFLT trig);

The code here is reasonably self-explanatory. tdiv uses a counter to keep track of when to return a tick. The counter wraps back to zero when it goes beyond a limit, which is the divider.

The old implementation of tdiv in soundpipe used a modulo operation to do the reset instead of the if statement here. It turns out, not only is modulo a very expensive operation, it also will crash if the divider is set to be 0. So, this is the better way to do it, at the expense of a bit more code to look at.

SKFLT sk_tdiv_tick(sk_tdiv *td, SKFLT trig)
    SKFLT out;

    out = 0.0;

    if (trig != 0) {
        if (td->cnt == td->off) out = 1.0;
        if (td->cnt >= td->div) td->cnt = 0;

    return out;