The "Siren" Patch

The "Siren" Patch


This document provides a rosetta stone for a siren patch. It's not exactly the most interesting patch, but it succinctly shows how to work with a stack-based modular environment.

I originally wrote this patch as a bridge to show the relationship between runt code and C + graforge code (included amongst the examples). Now, I have adapated a version of it that works in sndkit!

Patch Description

The siren patch can be generally described in the following way:

Generate an LFO signal, and use it to simultaneously modulate the frequency and timbre of another oscillator.

Take that oscillator, make a copy of it, and route it to a reverb.

Sum the oscillator and the reverb.

Write it to disk.

Implementation 1: LIL and sndkit

Here is the first implementation, written in LIL, the scripting language embedded in the sndkit repository.

sine 0.1 1
regset zz 0

fmpair \
    [gensine [tabnew 8192]] \
    [biscale [regget 0] 100 600] \
    [param 1] \
    [param 1] \
    [biscale [regget 0] 0.1 2] \
    [param 0]

mul zz 0.5

dup; dup

bigverb zz zz 0.97 10000
mul zz 0.1
dcblocker zz

add zz zz

wavout zz "siren.wav"

unhold [regget 0]

computes 10

Implementation 2: C and sndkit

This implementation shows the siren written in C using the sndkit core API. The core patch construction can be seen in the patch function. What's really cool is how closely it matches the LIL code. If you take away the syntactic sugar in LIL, the underlying sndkit calls are essentially 1:1. This patch was written by hand looking at the LIL code above. It was a surprisingly trivial process!

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "graforge.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "sknodes.h"

int patch(sk_core *core)
    /* warning: no error checking */

    sk_core_constant(core, 0.1);
    sk_core_constant(core, 1);
    sk_core_regset(core, 0);

    sk_core_table_new(core, 8192);

    sk_core_regget(core, 0);
    sk_core_constant(core, 100);
    sk_core_constant(core, 600);

    sk_core_constant(core, 1);
    sk_core_constant(core, 1);

    sk_core_regget(core, 0);
    sk_core_constant(core, 0.1);
    sk_core_constant(core, 2);

    sk_core_constant(core, 0);


    sk_core_constant(core, 0.5);


    sk_core_constant(core, 0.97);
    sk_core_constant(core, 10000);
    sk_core_constant(core, 0.1);


    sk_node_wavout(core, "siren.wav");

    sk_core_regget(core, 0);

    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sk_core *core;
    unsigned int n;
    unsigned int nblocks;
    int rc;

    core = sk_core_new(44100);

    rc = patch(core);

    if (rc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d\n", rc);
        goto clean;

    nblocks = sk_core_seconds_to_blocks(core, 10);

    for (n = 0; n < nblocks; n++) {

    return rc;

Implementation 3: Monolith and Runt

Monolith is a realtime computer music environment I wrote for myself as a precursor to sndkit. runt is a quirky homemade stack based language used to notate patches.

Even though sndkit uses TCL and C syntax, the thought process and structure I use is still in stacks.

graforge nodes

0.1 1 sine bhold 0 cabset

0 cabget 100 600 biscale
1 1
0 cabget 0.1 2 biscale
0 8192 ftnew gen_sine fmpair
0.5 mul

bdup bdup
0.97 10000 revsc
bdrop 0.1 mul dcblock

"siren.wav" wavout

0 cabget bunhold

sr 10 * _compute rep

Implementation 4: Monolith and Scheme

monolith is usually controlled via a Scheme REPL spawned inside of Emacs, the flavor of scheme being a fork of s9 scheme. Runt code is then executed in scheme as inline code. The scheme language is used as a kind of macro language, making it possible to build more complex structures and abstractions.

The scheme ugens are wrappers around runt code, so it is structurally identical to the runt and monolith code.

(monolith:load "ugens.scm")
(sine 0.1 0.5)
(bhold zz)
(cabset zz 0)

 (biscale (cabget 0) 100 600)
 (param 1)
 (param 1)
 (biscale (cabget 0) 0.1 2)
 (param 0)
 (lambda () (gen_sine (ftnew 8192))))

(mul zz 0.5)


(revsc zz zz 0.97 10000)
(mul zz 0.1)
(dcblock zz)
(add zz zz)
(wavout zz "siren.wav")
(bunhold (cabget 0))
(out zz)

(monolith:compute (* 44100 10))

Implementation 5: Sporth

sporth was my first ever stack-based audio system. Runt syntax and Sporth syntax are very similar to one another, but the underlying architecture is very different (and slower too).

_ft 8192 gen_sine
0.1 1 sine 0 pset

0 p 100 600 biscale
1 1
0 p 0.1 2 biscale
_ft fosc

dup dup
0.97 10000 revsc
drop 0.1 mul dcblk

Implementation 6: C and Grafwerk

This comes from my original siren patch. It's not identical to the previous patches, but it is in the same spirit. The corresponding runt code (which runs on the rntgraforge utility that comes with graforge) is included in the comments.

As one can see, graforge has a lot of repetitive low-level operations which makes for tedious to read code. Most of the sndkit core abstraction aims to be an abstraction on top of this code. For contrast, you compare this to the C and sndkit code from above.

<<siren.c :tangle siren.c>>=
 * Siren
 * This code will generate a simple siren patch using
 * some of the pre-made graforge-wrapped soundpipe dsp
 * nodes found included in the graforge codebase.
 * The patch is equivalent to the following runt code:
 * graforge nodes
 * 0.1 1 sine 0 1 biscale bhold 0 cabset
 * 0 cabget 100 600 scale 0.5 blsaw
 * 0 cabget 100 2000 scale butlp
 * bdup
 * bdup 0.97 10000 revsc bdrop 0.1 mul dcblock
 * 0 cabget bunhold
 * add
 * "siren.wav" wavout bdrop
 * sr 10 * _compute rep
 * == END RUNT CODE ==
 * It is advisable to understand how the runt code above
 * works before attempting to parse out the C code below.
 * That way, the runt code can be used as a sort of Rosetta
 * Stone. Comments in the C program will break up the
 * program by Runt statements. With any luck, a reader
 * should begin to understand connection between the
 * Grafwerk C library and Runt abstraction.
 * Even with the DSP wrapper code, one can see from
 * this small program that the Grafwerk C API at this level
 * is quite repetive and redundant. In practice, it is best
 * to write abstractions on top of this and not mess with
 * these C operations directly. Otherwise, it is slow and
 * tedious work.
 * When building up a graforge patch, the programmer must
 * be able to keep track of what is on the buffer stack at
 * all times. Missing a push or pop operation can cause the
 * entire patch to break. At the C level, these can be very
 * tedious to debug! It is highly recommended to express the
 * Patch using some sort of postfix notation like Sporth or
 * Runt. Presenting the patch in this way will naturally
 * align the stack operations.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <soundpipe.h>
#include "graforge.h"

#include "dsp/sine.h"
#include "dsp/wavout.h"
#include "dsp/biscale.h"
#include "dsp/blsaw.h"
#include "dsp/scale.h"
#include "dsp/butlp.h"
#include "dsp/revsc.h"
#include "dsp/mul.h"
#include "dsp/dcblock.h"
#include "dsp/add.h"

#define NBUFS 8
#define STACKSIZE 10
#define SR 44100
#define BLKSIZE 64

static add_d * mk_add(gf_patch *patch,
                      sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    add_d *add;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_add(node, sp);
    add = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return add;

static dcblock_d * mk_dcblock(gf_patch *patch,
                              sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    dcblock_d *dcblock;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_dcblock(node, sp);
    dcblock = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return dcblock;

static mul_d * mk_mul(gf_patch *patch,
                      sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    mul_d *mul;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_mul(node, sp);
    mul = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return mul;

static revsc_d * mk_revsc(gf_patch *patch,
                          sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    revsc_d *revsc;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_revsc(node, sp);
    revsc = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return revsc;

static butlp_d * mk_butlp(gf_patch *patch,
                          sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    butlp_d *butlp;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_butlp(node, sp);
    butlp = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return butlp;

static blsaw_d * mk_blsaw(gf_patch *patch,
                          sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    blsaw_d *blsaw;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_blsaw(node, sp);
    blsaw = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return blsaw;

static scale_d * mk_scale(gf_patch *patch,
                          sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    scale_d *scale;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_scale(node, sp);
    scale = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return scale;

static biscale_d * mk_biscale(gf_patch *patch,
                              sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    biscale_d *biscale;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_biscale(node, sp);
    biscale = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return biscale;

static sine_d * mk_sine(gf_patch *patch,
                        sp_data *sp)
    gf_node *node;
    sine_d *sine;
    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_sine(node, sp);
    sine = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return sine;

static wavout_d * mk_wavout(gf_patch *patch,
                            sp_data *sp,
                            const char *filename)
    gf_node *node;
    wavout_d *wavout;

    gf_patch_new_node(patch, &node);
    node_wavout(sp, node, filename);
    wavout = gf_node_get_data(node);
    return wavout;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sp_data *sp;
    gf_patch *patch;
    sine_d *sine;
    gf_stack *stack;
    wavout_d *wavout;
    unsigned int n;
    gf_buffer *buf;
    gf_cable *lfo;
    biscale_d *biscale;
    blsaw_d *blsaw;
    scale_d *scale;
    butlp_d *butlp;
    revsc_d *revsc;
    mul_d *mul;
    add_d *add;
    dcblock_d *dcblock;

    /* initialize + allocate */


    patch = calloc(1, gf_patch_size());
    gf_patch_init(patch, BLKSIZE);
    gf_patch_alloc(patch, NBUFS, STACKSIZE);
    gf_patch_srate_set(patch, SR);
    sp->sr = gf_patch_srate_get(patch);
    gf_patch_data_set(patch, sp);
    stack = gf_patch_stack(patch);

    /* 0.1 1 sine */
    sine = mk_sine(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_set_value(sine->freq, 0.1);
    gf_cable_set_value(sine->amp, 1);

    /* 0 1 biscale */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);

    biscale = mk_biscale(patch, sp);

    gf_cable_connect(sine->out, biscale->in);
    gf_cable_set_value(biscale->min, 0);
    gf_cable_set_value(biscale->max, 1);

    /* bhold 0 cabset */

    gf_patch_bhold(patch, &buf);
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    lfo = biscale->out;

    /* 0 cabget 100 600 scale */

    gf_stack_push_buffer(stack, buf);

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    scale = mk_scale(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(lfo, scale->in);
    gf_cable_set_value(scale->min, 100);
    gf_cable_set_value(scale->max, 600);

    /* 0.5 blsaw */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);

    blsaw = mk_blsaw(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_set_value(blsaw->amp, 0.5);
    gf_cable_connect(scale->out, blsaw->freq);

    /* 0 cabget 100 2000 scale butlp */

    gf_stack_push_buffer(stack, buf);
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);

    scale = mk_scale(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(lfo, scale->in);
    gf_cable_set_value(scale->min, 100);
    gf_cable_set_value(scale->max, 2000);

    /* butlp */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    butlp = mk_butlp(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(scale->out, butlp->p_freq);
    gf_cable_connect(blsaw->out, butlp->in);

    /* bdup */


    /* bdup 0.97 10000 revsc */
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    revsc = mk_revsc(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(butlp->out, revsc->in[1]);
    gf_cable_connect(butlp->out, revsc->in[0]);
    gf_cable_set_constant(revsc->feedback, 0.97);
    gf_cable_set_constant(revsc->lpfreq, 10000);

    /* bdrop */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);

    /* 0.1 mul */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    mul = mk_mul(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_set_constant(mul->in1, 0.1);
    gf_cable_connect(revsc->out[0], mul->in2);

    /* dcblock */
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    dcblock = mk_dcblock(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(mul->out, dcblock->in);

    /* add */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    add = mk_add(patch, sp);
    gf_cable_connect(butlp->out, add->in1);
    gf_cable_connect(dcblock->out, add->in2);

    /* 0 cabget bunhold */

    gf_patch_bunhold(patch, buf);

    /* siren.wav wavout bdrop */

    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);
    wavout = mk_wavout(patch, sp, "siren.wav");
    gf_cable_connect(add->out, wavout->in);
    gf_stack_pop(stack, NULL);

    /* sr 10 * _compute rep */

    for (n = 0; n < 10 * SR; n++) {

    /* cleanup */

    return 0;