


QGliss implements a table-lookup signal quantizer using a phasor-clocked sample-and-hold generator, and cubic interpolation. The glissando amount is controlled via a position parameter, which can range from lots of glissando to very minimal portamento.

For signal inputs, it takes in a normalized low-frequency signal such as an LFO or random line generator, as well as a phasor signal which is used a clock source and interpolater. As a control parameter, there is a glissando position amount: a value between 0 and 1 that dictates when to start glissing to the next value. As it approaches one, the glissando will happen closer to the end of the values duration.

Tangled Files

As per usual, there are two tangled files: qgliss.c and qgliss.h. Defining SK_QGLISS_PRIV will expose the contents of the qgliss struct.

#ifndef SK_QGLISS_H
#define SK_QGLISS_H
#ifndef SKFLT
#define SKFLT float




#include "qgliss.h"

Gliss Position Parameter

The gliss position can be set with sk_qgliss_gliss, and expects a value in the range 0 and 1.

Gliss position sets where in the phasor period the glissando curve should begin. The higher this value gets, the closer it is to the end, the smaller the curve.

void sk_qgliss_gliss(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT gliss);

void sk_qgliss_gliss(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT gliss)
    qg->gliss = gliss;

Struct Initialization

The qgliss struct is called sk_qgliss and can be initialized with sk_qgliss_init. A lookup table will need to be provided, as well as the size of that table.

typedef struct sk_qgliss sk_qgliss;

void sk_qgliss_init(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT *tab, int sz);

void sk_qgliss_init(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT *tab, int sz)

struct sk_qgliss {

Struct Parameters

Parameters of the struct are as follows.

Init (init)

When the algorithm is first instantiated, some slightly different behavior occurs. An init flag is used to indicate initialization.

int init;

qg->init = 1;

Glissando Position (gliss)

The parameter for glissando position is stored in a variable called gliss.

SKFLT gliss;

qg->gliss = 0.5;

Gliss Parameters (gl/igl)

While gliss can be updated at any time, the actual value being used can only be set at the start of a new phasor period. This variable is stored in a variable called gl.

The inverse of gl is stored in a variable called igl.

SKFLT gl, igl;

qg->gl = qg->gliss;
qg->igl = 1.0 / qg->gl;

Phasor Position (phs)

The previous phasor position is stored in phs.

SKFLT phs;

qg->phs = -1;

Previous and Next values (prv/nxt)

The sample and hold generator caches the last two values: the previous prv and the next nxt. These store values found in the table.

SKFLT prv, nxt;

qg->prv = -1;
qg->nxt = -1;

Lookup Table

The pointer to the lookup table and the size are stored in tab and sz.

SKFLT *tab;
int sz;

qg->tab = tab;
qg->sz = sz;


Tick Function

Computation of a single sample is done with sk_qgliss_tick. It takes in an input signal in and a phasor signal phs.

SKFLT sk_qgliss_tick(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT in, SKFLT phs);

SKFLT sk_qgliss_tick(sk_qgliss *qg, SKFLT in, SKFLT phs)
    SKFLT out;
    SKFLT p, n;
    out = 0;


    p = qg->prv;
    n = qg->nxt;


    return out;

The very first time this is called, both nxt and prvare set to be the same. This means that for one phasor period period at the beginning, there will always be steady state signal, as the interpolation will interpolation between values.

Gliss values must be in range 0 and 1, otherwise the parameters will not be updated.

if (qg->init) {
    qg->init = 0;
    qg->prv = getval(qg->tab, qg->sz, in);
    qg->nxt = qg->prv;
    qg->phs = phs;
    if (qg->gliss > 0 && qg->gliss < 1.0) {
        qg->gl = qg->gliss;
        qg->igl = 1.0 / (1 - qg->gliss);
    return qg->prv;

After the init flag is unset, normal behavior begins. The first thing that happens is a check to see if the phasor has reset. Since a phasor is expected to be a periodic rising ramp, a reset is detected if the current phasor sample is less than the previous sample. This approach allows for phasor signals that perform wraparound in addition to phasors that truncate to zero exactly on a reset.

On a reset, glissando values are updated similar to how they were updated at init time. The new behavior that happens here is that the the current nxt value is set to be the previous value prv, and the new nxt value is acquired using the current input signal.

if (phs < qg->phs) {
    /* reset */
    qg->prv = qg->nxt;
    qg->nxt = getval(qg->tab, qg->sz, in);

    if (qg->gliss > 0 && qg->gliss < 1.0) {
        qg->gl = qg->gliss;
        qg->igl = 1.0 / (1.0 - qg->gliss);

After the phasor input has been checked if it has been reset, the signal is then rescaled to have cubic slope.

phs will first be cached before continuing. This will be used to detect a reset in the next tick call.

Cubic scaling works in this by dividing the period up into two segments, separated by the glissando position gl. Everything up to gl is 0, or a flat signal. After gl is the generated cubic curve, normalized to be between 0 and 1.

Generating the normalized curve is done by biasing the signal so that position gl is 0, clamping negative values to be 0, scaling the remaining ramp to be in range 0 and 1, and then applying a cubic function to it.

qg->phs = phs; /* cache phasor */

if (phs < qg->gl) {
    phs = 0;
} else {
    phs -= qg->gl; /* bias */
    if (phs < 0) phs = 0; /* clamp negative values */
    phs *= qg->igl; /* scale */
    phs = phs * phs * phs; /* apply cubic function */

With the cubic scaling applied, the interpolation value, stored in phs, can be used as if it were linear interpolation. This output is then returned.

out = (1 - phs)*p + phs*n;

Table lookup

Getting a new value from the lookup is a matter of scaling and truncating the input to be an indice of the table. The approach taken here is a O(n) brute force solution that is both portable and reasonably easy to understand. Faster O(1) solutions were considered, but dismissed. Using floor() creates a weird edge case when the value is exactly 1 which makes for more verbose code. Dedicated functionsn for truncation such as lrintf are not ANSI C. Using casting to convert a floating point value to an integer is undefined behavior.

static SKFLT getval(SKFLT *tab, int sz, SKFLT in)
    int i;
    int pos;

    in *= sz;

    pos = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
        if (in < i) break;

    return tab[pos];