
LPF implements a fairly common 2-pole resonant low-pass IIR filter.

Tangled Files

lpf.c and lpf.h.

#ifndef SK_LPF_H
#define SK_LPF_H

#ifndef SKFLT
#define SKFLT float


#ifdef SK_LPF_PRIV


#include <math.h>
#define SK_LPF_PRIV
#include "lpf.h"

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846


Struct and Initialization

The struct for LPF is called sk_lpf.

typedef struct sk_lpf sk_lpf;

struct sk_lpf {

LPF is initialized with sk_lpf_init.

void sk_lpf_init(sk_lpf *lpf, int sr);

void sk_lpf_init(sk_lpf *lpf, int sr)

Being a 2-pole filter requires 2 samples of memory, and 3 filter coefficients: 2 beta coefficients (the recursive part of the filter) and one alpha coefficient (applied to the input).

SKFLT y[2];
SKFLT a0, b1, b2;

lpf->y[0] = 0.0;
lpf->y[1] = 0.0;
lpf->a0 = 0.0;
lpf->b1 = 0.0;
lpf->b2 = 0.0;

A update flag is used to implement parameter caching. If either cutoff or frequency is set, it will cause the filter coefficients to update themselves.

int update;

lpf->update = 1;

The constant tpidsr is a classic variable shorthand for "two pi divided by the sampling rate", and is used to shave off some arithmetic operations when computing filter coefficients.

SKFLT tpidsr;

lpf->tpidsr = 2.0 * M_PI / (SKFLT)sr;


Cutoff Frequency

The cutoff frequency is set with sk_lpf_cutoff, in units of Hz.

void sk_lpf_cutoff(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT cutoff);

The update flag is set to indicate that the next call to sk_lpf_tick needs to update coefficients before computing.

void sk_lpf_cutoff(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT cutoff)
    lpf->cutoff = cutoff;
    lpf->update = 1;

Cutoff the variable is defined and set at init time below:

SKFLT cutoff;

sk_lpf_cutoff(lpf, 1000); /* arbitrary default */

Q Factor

The Q factor is set with sk_lpf_q.

The Q factor controls how much resonance there is. Should be a positive non-zero value. A value of 1.0 is passive, greater than 1.0 will cause resonance. Less than 1? Not sure.

void sk_lpf_q(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT q);

Similar to sk_lpf_cutoff, sk_lpf_q will set the update flag, which will update filter coefficients next time the tick function sk_lpf_tick is computed.

Note that Q cannot be exactly 0 since it is used in a division operation, so it is set to be a reasonably small value.

void sk_lpf_q(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT q)
    if (q < 0.001) q = 0.001;
    lpf->q = q;
    lpf->update = 1;

The Q variable is set and initialized below:


sk_lpf_q(lpf, 1.0); /* arbitrary default */


A single sample of audio is computed with sk_lpf_tick.

SKFLT sk_lpf_tick(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT in);

SKFLT sk_lpf_tick(sk_lpf *lpf, SKFLT in)
    SKFLT out;
    SKFLT y0;
    out = 0.0;
    return out;

Before a filter is computed, the update flag is checked to see if it is set. If so, the filter coefficients must be updated.

To compute new coefficients, frequency must be converted from cycles-per-second to radians-per-sample. Multiplying by 2\pi gives radians, then dividing by the sampling rate (or multiplying by the inverse, big T T , converts from seconds to radians. In our function, this gets smooshed together in a constant called tpidsr.

The intermediate variables C and D are computed next, followed by the alpha and beta filter coefficients. These look like the remains from some bilinear transform from an S-plane filter, but I'm not sure.

The update flag is then reset back to zero.

if (lpf->update) {
    SKFLT C, D;
    SKFLT freq;
    SKFLT qres;

    qres = (1.0 / lpf->q);
    if (qres < 0.001) qres = 0.001;

    /* convert to radians/sample */
    freq = lpf->cutoff * lpf->tpidsr;

    /* intermediates */
    D = tan(freq * qres * 0.5);
    C = (1.0 - D) / (1.0 + D);

    lpf->b1 = (1.0 + C) * cos(freq);
    lpf->b2 = -C;
    lpf->a0 = (1.0 + C - lpf->b1) * 0.25;

    lpf->update = 0;

With all the up-to-date coefficients, computing filter is a matter of computing the difference equation and updating the filter memory.

The output itself seems to be effectively boosting the filter memory. I am not sure why it is doing that.

    y0 = lpf->a0*in + lpf->b1*lpf->y[0] + lpf->b2*lpf->y[1];
    out = y0 + 2.0*lpf->y[0] + lpf->y[1];
    lpf->y[1] = lpf->y[0];
    lpf->y[0] = y0;