Euclidean Rhythms

Euclidean Rhythms


Euclidean Rhythms are a very popular technique for procedurally generating rhythmic phrases. Using only a few numbers, one is able to procedurally construct very interesting and well balanced rhythmic patterns.

This document aims to provide an overview of what Euclidean Rhythms are, go over some of the existing implementations, and then produce a novel implemenation of a Euclidean Rhythm generator.

The name "Euclidean Rhythm" is a bit of a misnomer. The algorithm is more closely based off of work by Bjorklund. And while there are connections to be made between Euclid's algorithm for Greatest Common Divisor and Bjorklund's algorithm for created evenly distributed binary sequences (this will be discussed later), it's most likely that the "Euclidean" name was chosen because it sounds cool, and not because of it's relevancy to the algorithm itself.

Euclidean Rhythms have sometimes been used in the context of ethnomusicology as an algorithmic model to describe rhythmic patterns found in various cultures. The author urges caution with this tempting line of thinking; reducing the music of entire cultures down to binary terms (literally) will lead to very unmusical (and perhaps culturally insensitive) generalizations. In the quest to mathematically model music, it is all too easy to boil things down until there is nothing of substance left.

Definition and Notation Conventions

A Euclidean Rhythm sequence is often defined in terms of the number of pulses (p) and the total number of steps as E(p, n). For example, E(3,8) describes a Euclidean sequence that evenly distributes 3 pulses across 8 steps, which would look like 10010010 in binary notation.

Tangled Files

euclid.h and euclid.c

#ifndef SK_EUCLID_H
#define SK_EUCLID_H
#ifndef SKFLT
#define SKFLT float




#include <stdint.h>
#include "euclid.h"


Previous Work and Implementations


The concept of a "Euclidean Rhythm" was first conceived by Toussaint in a 2005 paper titled "The Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms". In this paper, the Euclidean Rhythm is derived from an algorithm developed by Bjorkland that evenly distributes a set of 0-bits amongst a set of 1-bits in a binary set. Bjorkland's algorithm is compared against Euclid's algorithm for Greatest Common Divisor, and some similarities are pointed out. This is how the Euclidean Rhythm got their namesake. Toussaint goes on to connect Euclidean Rhythms various to rhytmic motifs found in the music of various traditions and cultures.


Since Toussaint, the Euclidean Rhythm Generator has been studied quite extensively. A full overview of this research is beyond the scope of this document, but honorable mention goes to Yaxu and the community of the live coding language TidalCycles. Not only have they explored extending Euclidean rhythms using operations like distrib, but have also provided corrections to Touissants original work.

"The Simplest Euclidean Rhythm Generator"

A popular implementation of a Euclidean Rhythm generator comes from an article from source.

This implementation, called "The Simplest Euclidean Rhythm Generator", is an adaptation of a Max patch found on the cycling74 Max/MSP forum, originally posted by user 11olsen.

The algorithm in the article was described in pseudocode. Directly translated to C, it would look something like this:

void euclid_simple(int p, int n)
    int bucket;
    int i;

    bucket = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int pulse;
        pulse = 0;
        bucket += p;

        if (bucket >= n) {
            bucket -= n;
            pulse = 1;
        } else {
            pulse = 0;

        printf("%d", pulse);


This algorithm makes use of an accumulator bucket, increasing by the number of pulses. This value gets wrapped around to be within the bounds of the total number of steps. As it turns out, this accumulator/wraparound approach produces the even distribution of beats that defines a euclidean rhythm pattern.

The problem with this algorithm is that the sequence always starts on a "0" instead of a "1", which isn't ideal for musical purposes. This can remedied by introducing a new variable called "rotate" which adds an offset and shifts the starting position of the sequence:

uint32_t sk_euclid_simple(int p, int n, int r);

This version of the algorithm adds a rotation variable r. Instead of printing to standard output, this algorithm stores the sequence as bits inside of an integer. Some of the logic has been changed a bit too. The if/else statement has been removed and replaced with equivalent logic. Instead of using subtraction, a modulo operation has been used to more clearly show the wraparound (it's worth noting that the subtraction operation is typically faster than a modulo operation though).

uint32_t sk_euclid_simple(int p, int n, int r)
    int bucket;
    int i;
    uint32_t out;

    out = 0;

    if (n > 32) return 0;

    bucket = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int pulse;
        int bitpos;

        bitpos = (i + r) % n;
        bucket += p;
        pulse = bucket >= n;
        bucket %= n;

        out |= (pulse << bitpos);

    return out;

Stateless One-Liners

The "Simplest Euclidean Generator" algorithm can be condensed further into a single one-liner expression in C. What's very neat about these is that they are stateless. Any bit for any position can be produced on demand, and this can be quite handy in certain situations.

In addition to the number of pulses (p), the total size of the sequence (n), and the rotation (r), the index position (i) of the particular step to be computed is required.

One implementation comes from nonmateria from Merveilles.

int euclid_simple_stateless(int p, int n, int r, int i);

int euclid_simple_stateless(int p, int n, int r, int i)
    return (((p * (i + r)) % n) + p) >= n;

Another implementation comes from xinniw on LURK, which I've been told is based off of a PD patch by acriel.

int euclid_simple_stateless2(int p, int n, int r, int i);

int euclid_simple_stateless2(int p, int n, int r, int i)
    return (p * (i + r)) % n < p;

The two expressions are nearly equivalent. The practical difference between them is that they require different rotation values to get the same result.

The tricky thing with these is that the rotation variable needs to be changed for every euclidean pattern in order for it to line up to the ideal musical representation. As of writing, the only way these rotation values have been found is through trial-and-error. It is possible that there is perhaps a more automated or algorithmic approach to finding this, but at the time of writing no efforts have been made to look into this.

Recursive Solution

While it may not as straightforward, the recursive approach as outlined by Bjorklund still seems to be the best approach for producing Euclidean Rhythm patterns.


The Bjorklund approach to generating a binary sequence is usually described in terms of distributing one pattern inside of another pattern.

For example, here are the steps for producing the sequence E(5,13):

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 10 10 10 10 000
100 100 100 10 10
10010 10010 100

In these steps, the righthand pattern keeps getting "distributed" into the lefthand pattern. The process terminates when there's only one or none of the righthand pattern remaining.

Using some notation, these steps can expressed to more clearly show how this process breaks down the overall sequence into a pair of smaller bit patterns, which can be called A (lefthand pattern) and B (righthand pattern).

5(1), 8(0)
5(10), 3(0)
3(100), 2(10)
2(10010), 1(100)

In the first iteration, the pattern is divided up into 5 1s and 8 0s. The second iteration takes this sit and divides the pattern up into 5 10s and 3 0s. This process repeats until there's only 1 instance of the B bitpattern.

Every iteration increases the size of the bitpatterns. Bitpattern A becomes a concatenation of previous A and B bitpatterns, and B becomes what is leftover.

Looking at the number of A and B bitpatterns, one can begin to see some resemblances to the Euclid's GCD algorithm. These states match the states in the GCD algorithm: [8, 5], [5, 3], [3, 2], [2, 1].

Using the introduced notation above, the euclidean sequence E(5, 13) can be unambiguously represented as [2(10010), 1(100)], or 2, 0b10010], [1, 0b100. An algorithm to generate a euclidean sequence using this convention is shown using the pseudocode below:

euclid(p, n):
    a = 1
    n_a = p

    b = 0
    n_b = n - p

    while n_b > 1:
        c = a + b
        d = a

        if n_a > n_b:
            t = n_a
            n_a = n_b
            n_b = t - n_b
            t = n_b
            n_a = n_a
            n_b = t - n_a
            d = b

        a = c
        b = d

   return [n_a, a], [n_b, b]

It's interesting to note the resemblance to Euclids subtraction based GCD algorithm. This pseudocode is based off the one found on wikipedia:

gcd(a, b):
    while a != b:
        if a > b:
            a = a - b
            b = b - a
    return a

(The author notes that he did not see this GCD algorithm until after he wrote the pseudocode for this program.)


With the algorithm fully described in the previous section, an implementation can now be done in C.

Appending Bitpatterns

In the pseudo-code, the operation in charge of appending two patterns together was casually represented using addition. A+B yields a concatentation of the two patterns, yielding pattern AB. Unfortunately, this append operation is not so elegant to do in C.

Before creating the append operation itself, a data type will be defined for a bitpattern, called sk_euclid_bitpat:

typedef struct sk_euclid_bitpat sk_euclid_bitpat;

This contains a 16-bit integer storing the pattern as binary bits called pat, and the size of the pattern in bits called nbits. There is also another value called npats, which is a value that stores the number of times this pattern appears in the sequence. This is used later in algorithm when it splits the larger bitpattern into two smaller bitpatterns.

struct sk_euclid_bitpat {
    uint16_t pat;
    uint8_t nbits;
    uint8_t npats;

The append operation appends in-place, turning the data in bitpattern A into AB. bitpattern B is left unchanged.

static void append(sk_euclid_bitpat *a, sk_euclid_bitpat *b);

Patterns are stored in ascending bit order. That is to say, the first item in the pattern is stored in the first bit of the number, second item in second bit, third item in third bit, etc. An append operation takes the B bitpattern, left shifts it, then ORs it into the A pattern.

The size, kept track of in nbits, is also updated.

static void append(sk_euclid_bitpat *a, sk_euclid_bitpat *b)
    a->pat |= b->pat << a->nbits;
    a->nbits += b->nbits;

Euclidean Pattern Generation

With the append operation implemented, the rest of the Euclidean Sequence generator can be implemented.

When given Euclidean sequence E(p, n), sk_euclid_pattern will return generated binary sequence stored inside of an unsigned long integer.

It is optimistically assumed that an unsigned long will be at least 32 bits long in size on the machine this is compiled on. Any value of n larger than this will return 0.

unsigned long sk_euclid_pattern(int p, int n);

This is a two step process. The first step performs the division of the two patterns until the number of B patterns is less than or equal to 1, as seen in the pseudocode previously. The second step involves taking the bitpattern representation and "rendering" it to bits inside of a long integer.

unsigned long sk_euclid_pattern(int p, int n)
    sk_euclid_bitpat a, b;
    unsigned long out;
    int i, k;
    int bitpos;

    if (n < 1 || n > 32) return 0;

    a.pat = 1;
    a.nbits = 1;
    a.npats = p;

    b.pat = 0;
    b.nbits = 1;
    b.npats = n - p;

    while (b.npats > 1) {
        uint16_t prev_pat;
        uint8_t prev_nbits;

        if (a.npats > b.npats) {
            uint8_t tmp;

            tmp = a.npats;
            a.npats = b.npats;
            b.npats = tmp - b.npats;

            prev_pat = a.pat;
            prev_nbits = a.nbits;
        } else {
            b.npats = b.npats - a.npats;
            prev_pat = b.pat;
            prev_nbits = b.nbits;

        append(&a, &b);

        b.pat = prev_pat;
        b.nbits = prev_nbits;

    out = 0;

    /* write bitpatterns to bits */

    bitpos = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < a.npats; k++) {
        for (i = 0; i < a.nbits; i++) {
            int bit;
            bit = (a.pat & (1 << i)) > 0;
            out |= (1 << bitpos) * bit;

    for (k = 0; k < b.npats; k++) {
        for (i = 0; i < b.nbits; i++) {
            int bit;
            bit = (b.pat & (1 << i)) > 0;
            out |= (1 << bitpos) * bit;

    return out;

An Opinionated Euclidean Rhythm Generator

With the algorithm for producing a Euclidean sequence established, it is now onto implementing a Euclidean generator that can be used to control musical sound.

There is more than one approach for designing such a sequencer. This one will aim to be simple and musically intuitive.

Design Opinions

While most DSP algorithms on sndkit are pretty cut-and-dry in terms of "interface" design (stuff goes in, stuff goes out, here are the parameters), this one has some wiggle room and subjectivity.

So, here are some opinions I have about euclidean rhythm generators:

Euclidean Rhythm Generators should always be linear. They shouldn't go backwards or skip. They should only step forward and then loop back to the beginning at the end. From an implementation standpoint, this means position tracking will happen internally, rather than being exposed as external parameter. This makes the interface easier to use, at the cost of sacrifcing a bit of granular control.

Changing the total step size mid-phrase is unmusical, as it abitrarily changes the meter (and the pattern) before the end of the bar which doesn't make sense. From an implementation perspective, it's also ambiguous how to handle that. Ideally, changes should only happen at the start of the sequence...

...but this behavior will be allowed anyways. Only allowing changes to happen at the start of a sequence could potentially make the sequencer sound broken and laggy. Instantaneous changes provide a better user experience.

Changing the number of pulses mid-phrase is fine: all this is doing is changing the pattern without changing meter. It encouraged that changes happen roughly once per phrase on average, and towards the beginning of the phrase as well.

While it is theoretically possible to to have a Euclidean rhythm pattern of any size, things stop being musically interesting for sizes greater than 32. 32 is a convenient limit to use because it allows all sequences to fit inside of a 32-bit integer.


This rhythm generator, called euclid, can be thought of as a kind of clock filter. A clock signal goes in, such as one produced by metro, and some kind of trigger signal comes out which makes a Euclidean rhythm pattern E(n, p).

sk_euclid C Struct

The data for euclid is contained in a struct called sk_euclid.

typedef struct sk_euclid sk_euclid;

pos is the sequence position.

pulses is p, or the number of pulses in the pattern.

len is n, or the total size of the pattern.

bits is a long integer value storing the generated pattern.

The changed variable is a flag set any time the pulses or len variables are changed.

struct sk_euclid {
    int pos;
    int pulses;
    int len;
    unsigned long bits;
    int changed;


An instance of sk_euclid is initialized with sk_euclid_init.

void sk_euclid_init(sk_euclid *e);

void sk_euclid_init(sk_euclid *e)
    sk_euclid_pulses(e, 1);
    sk_euclid_length(e, 4);
    e->changed = 0;
    e->bits = 0;
    e->pos = 0;


sk_euclid_pulses sets the total number of pulses.

sk_euclid_length sets the length of the pattern.

void sk_euclid_pulses(sk_euclid *e, int p);
void sk_euclid_length(sk_euclid *e, int n);

void sk_euclid_pulses(sk_euclid *e, int p)
    if (p != e->pulses && p > 0 && p <= 32) {
        e->pulses = p;
        e->changed = 1;

void sk_euclid_length(sk_euclid *e, int n)
    if (n != e->len && n > 1 && n <= 32) {
        e->len = n;
        e->changed = 1;

Tick Function

A single sample of audio is produced with sk_euclid_tick. This takes in as input a trigger signal trig. The trigger signal will be returned based on the state of the Euclidean sequence.

SKFLT sk_euclid_tick(sk_euclid *e, SKFLT trig);

In many ways, this generator very much resembles a classic rhythmic step sequencer. The difference being that the step sequence itself is procedurally generated, and the length can be variable.

As mentioned before, changing the total length in the middle of a phrase is musically undefined behavior with more than one approach to handle it. The approach chosen here is to have the sequencer position wrap around if it is out of bounds.

SKFLT sk_euclid_tick(sk_euclid *e, SKFLT trig)
    SKFLT out;

    out = 0;

    if (trig) {

        /* update pattern if needed */

        if (e->changed) {
            e->bits = sk_euclid_pattern(e->pulses, e->len);

            /* wraparound if position is greater than length */
            e->pos %= e->len;
            e->changed = 0;

        /* compute output */

        out = (e->bits & (1 << e->pos)) > 0;

        /* updated sequence position */
        e->pos = (e->pos + 1) % e->len;

    return out;