
This is a classic ADSR envelope generator. Many digital implementations of ADSRs are produced via simple line segment generators. This ADSR uses a gate put through a one-pole lowpass filter to produce envelope. The resulting envelope produces naturally exponential curves, very similar to how it would be done in an analogue circuit.

The input signal to an ADSR is a gate signal. When it goes from 0 to 1, it triggers the gate signal. It will continue to stay on until the gate goes back to 0, which will then trigger the release segment.

Tangled Files

#ifndef SK_ADSR_H
#define SK_ADSR_H

#ifndef SKFLT
#define SKFLT float




#include <math.h>
#define SK_ADSR_PRIV
#include "adsr.h"

Struct Initialization

typedef struct sk_adsr sk_adsr;

struct sk_adsr {
    /* times */
    SKFLT atk;
    SKFLT dec;
    SKFLT sus;
    SKFLT rel;

    /* timer */
    unsigned long timer;
    unsigned long atk_time;

    /* filter coefficients */
    SKFLT a;
    SKFLT b;
    SKFLT y;
    SKFLT x;

    /* previous sample */
    SKFLT prev;

    /* envelope mode */
    int mode;

    /* sample rate */
    int sr;

void sk_adsr_init(sk_adsr *adsr, int sr);

void sk_adsr_init(sk_adsr *adsr, int sr)
    adsr->sr = sr;
    /* initial ADSR times and sustain */
    sk_adsr_attack(adsr, 0.1);
    sk_adsr_decay(adsr, 0.1);
    sk_adsr_sustain(adsr, 0.5);
    sk_adsr_release(adsr, 0.3);

    /* zero out timer, filter coefs, and memory */
    adsr->timer = 0;
    adsr->a = 0;
    adsr->b = 0;
    adsr->y = 0;
    adsr->x = 0;
    adsr->prev = 0;

    /* set up initial attack time timer */
    adsr->atk_time = adsr->atk * adsr->sr;

    /* initial state: CLEAR */
    adsr->mode = CLEAR;


void sk_adsr_attack(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT atk);

void sk_adsr_attack(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT atk)
    adsr->atk = atk;

void sk_adsr_decay(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT dec);

void sk_adsr_decay(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT dec)
    adsr->dec = dec;

void sk_adsr_sustain(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT sus);

void sk_adsr_sustain(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT sus)
    adsr->sus = sus;

void sk_adsr_release(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT rel);

void sk_adsr_release(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT rel)
    adsr->rel = rel;

Envelope States

The envelope is broken up into explicit states, with flags represented as enums.

The CLEAR state means it is "clear" of all envelope activity, and should only return 0.

The ATTACK state corresponds to the beginning rise of the envelope.

The DECAY segment follows the ATTACK segment after a period of time, and makes the envelope fall down to a sustain point.

Sustain is an implicit state, and there doesn't need to be a state for it.

The RELEASE state happens when the input gate signal goes back to 0. This will trigger the final tail that eventually will decay to 0, and eventually back to the CLEAR state when it goes below an epsilon value.



SKFLT sk_adsr_tick(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT gate);

static SKFLT tau2pole(SKFLT tau, int sr)
    return exp(-1.0 / (tau * sr));

static SKFLT adsr_filter(sk_adsr *p)
    p->y = p->b * p->x  + p->a * p->y;
    return p->y;

SKFLT sk_adsr_tick(sk_adsr *adsr, SKFLT gate)
    SKFLT out;
    SKFLT pole;
    out = 0;

    if (adsr->prev < gate && adsr->mode != DECAY) {
        adsr->mode = ATTACK;
        adsr->timer = 0;

        /* 60% attack time was done empirically */
        pole = tau2pole(adsr->atk * 0.6, adsr->sr);
        adsr->atk_time = adsr->atk * adsr->sr;
        adsr->a = pole;
        adsr->b = 1 - pole;
    } else if (adsr->prev > gate) {
        adsr->mode = RELEASE;
        pole = tau2pole(adsr->rel, adsr->sr);
        adsr->a = pole;
        adsr->b = 1 - pole;

    adsr->x = gate;
    adsr->prev = gate;

    switch (adsr->mode) {
        case CLEAR:
            out = 0;
        case ATTACK:
            out = adsr_filter(adsr);
            if (out > 0.99) {
                adsr->mode = DECAY;
                pole = tau2pole(adsr->dec, adsr->sr);
                adsr->a = pole;
                adsr->b = 1 - pole;
        case DECAY:
        case RELEASE:
            adsr->x *= adsr->sus;
            out = adsr_filter(adsr);

    return out;