

How to use this thing.

This is a specially managed weewiki and zet. Careful usage is required.

Writing stuff down as I go.


Utilities are stored in the "u" folder. These are small shell scripts wrapped around weewiki that do specific things.


Most of what happens here is making logs. Do this with u/zsay.


Print all the crate items associated with a particular group. Will display the filename, as well as the UUID in ergo-id format for easier typing.

Example: print all the items with the USED tag.

u/cgroups USED


This is a helpful utility that allows one to randomly pick samples from a group.

Note that at the time of writing, this doesn't have an ignore group, which would enable choices to include samples that haven't been used before (via excluding the USED group).


The hist command provides a nice view of the most recently commented samples in a group, and their message history.

u/hist @aw_2010% 10

This one can take a few seconds to load.


Logs are short timestamped messages added to the zettelkasten. The idea is to take notes about various samples and collections.

For general messages, use the logs tag.

u/zsay @logs

Logs are also tied to specific sqlar groups.

Be sure to periodically dump the zet with

If you don't do this, stuff won't be saved.

It is very important that you tie whatever is being said to exactly one group that gets explicitely exported. If you don't, the message will get erased. If you link more than one, it will get duplicated in the repo.

What are explicitely exported groups? See the dump_zetscript.

Importing new samples

Importing new samples.

First you need to convert the sample collection into a sqlar archive. Place them into a top level folder and run this command:

sqlar foo.sqlar foo

It's very important that there isn't a slash after the foo. For some reason using foo/ would make it so the folder doesn't show up in sqlarfs.

After this is created it can be imported. Do this from the directory where the sqlar archive is located, not where the smp db is located. Then run:

weewiki crate import PATH_TO_SMP/a.db foo.sqlar

See if the import worked with:

u/cgroups foo.sqlar

Once imported, it's really important to make a new directory in the smp folder, and optionally a landing page.

From there, it needs to be exported to a TSV file, so it can be managed in source control.

weewiki zet export foo.sqlar > foo/zet.tsv

Add all these files and make a commit.

After that, you'll need to add these entries to the and scripts.

in, add:

zetout foo

in, add:

zetit foo

Finally, don't forget to import any wiki pages in the genwiki.janet script.

Copying SQLar archives

SQLar archives, once imported, don't always need to be present. They can be removed (not implemented yet), copied again.

To copy a sample database previously imported, use the copycommand. For instance:

weewiki crate copy ~/sqlar/aw_2010_wav32.sqlar a.db

Will transfer the samples over to the smp's database a.db.

Unfortunately, there isn't an inverse operation for this yet. But if you know the folder samples are in, they can be removed using sqlar's -d command.

Using a Sample

When a sample gets used for the first time, it should get tagged with the USED label via linking:


This lets me know what samples I have used and have not used.