

Waveforms with the prefix "fractal". I have no idea what it means to be fractal in this context. Could be fun.


Scheme bindings for fractal.

;; Things to come later...



[2020-02-14 Fri 12:55] making filename generator

This seems to have a similar format to the fmsaw generator. So that makes things be easy.

Using the ABC numbering system:

A has a range of 1-9.

B has a range of 1-9, but they aren't all there all the time. Even A values have only odd B values I think.

C goes 1, 2, 4 8.

Another cryptic system to decipher.

[2020-02-14 Fri 13:02] initial listening.

111 is a bit reedy sounding, compared to the fmsaw.

Crossfading between 111 211, there is a gap of silence. Some serious phasing perhaps?

I swear I can hear more fifths in 311.

Thirds in 411?

By 611, the tonal center becomes harder to percieve. Perhaps the fundamental goes away?

118 has vocal-like qualities at the lower to mid registers.

348 sounds "dusty" to me, for some reason.

Filename Generator

(define (fractal-am-name-withdir dir a b c)
  (let ((name
          (number->string a)
          (number->string b)
          (number->string c)'
    (if (equal? dir "")
        (eval name)
        (string-append dir "/" name))))
(define (fractal-am-name a b c)
  (fractal-am-name-withdir "fractal_am" a b c))

WIP fmsaw


[2020-02-12 Wed 14:19] first one to try

Our first dive into this. This looked the most intersting. saw waves are good, and I think they tend to make pretty good timbres when doing FM.

The FM saw has a name format of the following: "frctfmNNNN.wav". No idea what those numbers could mean. But I'll write an initial filename generator for this in scheme. dir is the directory/filepath of the name, which can be an empty string "", and a, b, and c are the numbers.

It seems that despite the numbers being double digit, the range is between 1 and 9.

Upon first glance, it would appear that a has a total of 9 values, b goes through 9 values, and conly goes through 2 values.

I really need to be able to draw these waveforms to see what they look like. I have a utility from before that does this, but it may be nice to build something a bit more robust. Perhaps make use of btprnt? A wav plotter would be a very helpful tool to build for later.

[2020-02-12 Wed 14:48] initial impressions

I have created an initial file loader, and have put them in the XY instrument. I am using the frctfmsaw shortcut there, so I'll be talking about waveforms using the triplets found there.

the wave found at 1 1 1 is a super massive sound at the low end. Comparatively 5 1 1 has a distinct major third, and the low end goes away.

Could relate to over tones?

Going from 1 1 1 to 1 5 1 does not sound as dramatic. Nor does 1 1 1 to 1 1 2. Perhaps there is something happening visually that is more dramatic?

8 3 1 is a pretty crazy sounding triplet. Probably because it starts at a higher harmonic.

As expected, a good deal amount of aliasing. As the numbers increase more aliasing happens. 1 1 1 actually isn't too bad.

[2020-02-14 Fri 12:53] 192 is noiser than 191

Not sure what that means. Again, I think more information can be found visually. Working on a portable solution in btprnt.

Filename Generator

(define (fractal-fmsaw-name-withdir dir a b c)
  (let ((name
          (number->string a)
          (number->string b)
          (number->string c)'
    (if (equal? dir "")
        (eval name)
        (string-append dir "/" name))))
(define (fractal-fmsaw-name a b c)
  (fractal-fmsaw-name-withdir "fractal_fmsaw" a b c))

TODO fmsoftsq

TODO fmsoftsw

TODO fmsoftsquare

TODO saw

TODO square

TODO staircase



An fmsaw + am hybrid.

The gritty meat of fmsaw 111, with a middle of the vocal-like frctam 118, followed by the dusty metallic frctam 348.

(define (frct-combo0)
  (lwt (frctfmsaw 1 1 1) 0)
  (lwt (frctam 1 1 8) 1)
  (lwt (frctam 3 4 8) 2))