Files: tenv2.h, tenv2.c
Linear 2-stage Attack/Release envelope generator
This envelope takes 2 triggers. When triggered once,
the envelope will rise to 1 according to the attack time. When triggered again, it will decay to 0 according to
the decay time.
sp_tenv2_create(sp_tenv2 **tenv2)
sp_tenv2_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *tenv2)
sp_tenv2_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *tenv2, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out)
sp_tenv2_destroy(sp_tenv2 **tenv2)
Optional Parameters
atk: Attack time (in seconds).
(Default value: 0.1)
rel: Release time (in seconds).
(Default value: 0.1)
trig: Expects a trigger signal.
out: Signal out (a unipolar envelope).