Week 11

Week 11

Saturday, July 27th

Logs: logs

Audio Telephone Composition.

Sunday, July 28th

Logs: logs

Tasks: demo-trio, demo-trio-chords.

Monday, July 29th

Logs: logs

Tasks: demo-trio-chords, demo-trio-web.

More Trio work.

I sketched out a new way to think about chord changes ("committing chords") that should make the chords more coherent.

I did an initial attempt to port stuff to the web. Got side-tracked. Attempted to use Typescript with p5. It didn't go well. I'm going to start from scratch (again).

Tuesday, July 30th

Logs: logs

Tasks: demo-trio-web.

Spent the better part of the day just trying to get Trio ported to the web. First time using the Canvas API directly (insteading of using something like p5).

Lots of weird troubleshooting with WebAudio stuff. It is a very opaque API to deal with. Also, mobile feels like flying blind without seeing any logs. Fortunately, Google still works well enough to look up vague things like "why is my pointer only moving a little bit on chrome?"

Wednesday, July 31st

Logs: logs

Tasks: demo-trio-web.

Got Trio published as a demo.

Thursday, August 1st

Logs: logs

Presented my "Trio" demo. Spent the day working on that. A sound demo in front of a live audience AND over zoom with a strict 5 minute time limit AND slides is stressful. Even with all the prep and sound hecks, I still ran into echoing issues which cut precious seconds away.

Friday, August 2nd

Logs: logs

Tasks: blob-coax.

A bit of an aimless day at the beginning. I was reflecting on demo-poke, and how disappointed I was in the outcome. "Poke", as it turns out, is a terrible verb for an experience involving an anthropomorphic blobby guy.

I started working out another concept of a mechanic where you'd be able to feed a blobby guy pellets, and came up with the project name "coax".