Paul's Recurse Personal Wiki

Paul's Recurse Personal Wiki

Hello. Welcome to my Recurse Center Personal Wiki!

My batch is over. See my retrospective.

My name is Paul (he/him). I like to make computers sing! During my batch (Summer 1 2024), I'll be exploring ways to get vocal synthesis working in the web browswer.

Here are some things to check out:

demos: various web demos I made during my batch.

logs: daily journals I make during the day that allow me to remember what I did.

DAGzet: a zettelkasten inspired knowledge database I have invented that allows me to structure things as a Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG) using a markup language. The output has been HTMLized for your viewing pleasure.

tasks: various tasks I am working on, organized by group. It's also possible to see all the open tasks in one page.