How to use btprnt in monolith.

Gradually adding things as I go.

Basic Setup

Straight-up btprnt inside of monolith.

Write "hello monolith" to a 256x256 bitmap, then write it to a PBM file.

(def bp (monolith/btprnt-new 256 256))

 @[0 0 256 256] 10 112 "hello monolith!" 2 1)

(monolith/btprnt-write-pbm bp "hello.pbm")


drawbits allows one to copy janet buffers to a btprnt buffer.

(def bits @"")

(var bp (monolith/btprnt-new 64 64))

# a slightly offset black box
# offset by 1 pixel
(put bits 0 0x00)
(put bits 1 0xe)
(put bits 2 0xe)
(put bits 3 0xe)
(put bits 4 0x00)

(pp bits)

# move the slightly offset box
# to be flush against the corner
 bp bits
 @(0 0 8 4)
 0 0
 8 4
 1 1)

(monolith/btprnt-write-pbm bp "bits.pbm")


The function monolith/gfx-btprnt-stencil can be used to copy a region of a btprnt buffer to a location on a monolith framebuffer using a certain color.

It takes in 10 arguments:

The btprnt instance.

x,y: the top left starting point to draw the btprnt stencil.

w,h: the width and height of the space to draw. If these exceed the bounds of the btprnt buffer, these will be ignored.

offx, offy: the starting offset values to start reading from btprnt.

R,G,B: the color to use.

(monolith/gfx-btprnt-stencil bp 0 32 width height 0 0 0 0 0)

More information on the implementation can be found in 13. btprnt + gfx framebuffer.


Done with monolith/btprnt-rect and monolith/btprnt-rect-filled.

(monolith/btprnt-rect-filled bp @(0 0 64 64) 0 0 10 10 1)
(monolith/btprnt-rect bp @(4 4 64 64) 0 0 10 10 0)


Center Box

monolith/btprnt-centerbox creates a centered subregion from a region.

(monolith/btprnt-centerbox bp reg w h)


monolith/btprnt-border creates a centered subregion from a region with a specified border size.

(monolith/btprnt-border bp reg size)


monolith/btprnt-grid returns a region that belongs to a grid of arbitrary rows and columns.

(monolith/btprnt-grid bp reg ncols nrows col row)


Text is typically done with btprnt-textbox:

(monolith/btprnt-textbox bp font reg xpos ypos clr scale)

(def bp (monolith/btprnt-new 256 256))
(def fnt (monolith/btprnt-font-default))
(def cherry (monolith/btprnt-font-cherry))

 bp fnt @[0 0 256 256] 0 0 "hello monolith" 1 1)

 bp cherry @[0 0 256 256] 0 8 "hello monolith" 1 2)

(monolith/btprnt-write-pbm bp "hello.pbm")


Draws a quadratic bezier curve.

(monolith/btprnt-bezier bp x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 color)

Standalone Janet Plugin

The btprnt library in lib/btprnt can be compiled as a standalone janet plugin that can exist outside of Monolith. In addition to the config files needed for Monolith's Makefile build system, there are also config files set up for for the Janet Plugin Management system, JPM.

Running jpm build in the lib/btprnt directory will create a directory called build with the plugin contents in it.

The standalone btprnt plugin is currently used in Monolith to generate diagrams for this wiki. You can see some example code in doc/trig.janet and doc/, with the resulting image found here.

Note: not everything gets built with the btprnt standalone. cratewav is disabled because of the hard dependency on SQLite (even though it's on most systems already, removing it simplifies things).