3. Janet Loader

The janet fbm functions are loaded with monolith_janet_fbm.

/* not currently included in the janet header file */
JANET_API void janet_cfuns_prefix(JanetTable *env,
                                  const char *regprefix,
                                  const JanetReg *cfuns);


static const JanetReg cfuns[] = {
    {"fbm", j_fbm,
        "(monolith/fbm x y oct)\n\n"
        "Computes fractional brownian motion, given a normalized xy "
        "coordinate and an octave level."

void monolith_janet_fbm(JanetTable *env)
    janet_cfuns_prefix(env, "monolith", cfuns);
float monolith_fbm(float x, float y, int oct);
static Janet j_fbm(int32_t argc, Janet *argv)
    float x, y;
    int oct;
    float amp;

    janet_fixarity(argc, 3);
    x = janet_unwrap_number(argv[0]);
    y = janet_unwrap_number(argv[1]);
    oct = janet_unwrap_integer(argv[2]);

    amp = monolith_fbm(x, y, oct);
    return janet_wrap_number(amp);

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