1. Overview

In this document, we will outline and implement a data structure that will be known as an ftable list. In addition, a simple ftable sequencer known will be built to demonstrate the musical possibilities that the ftable list will provide.

The ftable list is a dynamically expanding array of ftable pointer locations. They are created via appending created ftables to the list.

Ftable lists can be an ideal way to dynamically switch between ftables while a patch is running.

As a simple use case for an ftable list would be an ftable sequencer. Such an item would take in a clock signal and a ftable list, and then synthesizes an ouput ftable. Every time the clock triggers, it goes to the next item in the ftable list, and copies the data and length over into the output ftable. This ftable could then treated and read like any normal ftable.

The big downside with the implementation is that it only works with block-rate clocks, or clock signals that only trigger at the beginning of blocks. To compensate for this, some thought about the trigger signal may have to be considered.

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