2. Seq16 Data

2.1. Seq16 Data Contents

2.1.1. Seq16 Monome State Data

monolith_page_mstate *mstate;
monolith_page_mstate_new(pg, &seq16->mstate);

2.1.2. Sequence Data

uint8_t seq[16];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        seq16->seq[i] = 0;

2.1.3. Position

int pos;

Initialized to be -1.

seq16->pos = -1;

2.1.4. Last Position

Stores the position from the last block. This is needed in order for the sample-accurate sequence to work.

int lastpos;

Initialized to be -1.

seq16->lastpos = -1;

2.1.5. Step Size

No more than 16.

int size;
seq16->size = 16;

2.1.6. Reset

A flag, when set, that resets at the next trigger.

int reset;
seq16->reset = 0;

2.1.7. Display Playhead Flag

Will display the playhead position. Disabled by default.

int playhead;
seq16->playhead = 0;

2.1.8. Event stack

Array that keeps track of event stacks. Maximum of 4 per render block. Assuming the default block size of 64 is used, this means guaranteed sample accuracy for ticks that are as small as 16 samples apart. Struct Declaration

int evt[4];
int nevt;
    seq16->nevt = 0;

2.2. Seq16 Typedef Declaration

All seq16 page data is contained in a struct called page_seq16_d.

typedef struct page_seq16_d page_seq16_d;
struct page_seq16_d {

2.3. Seq16 Data Allocation/Initialization

Seq16 data is initiatlized with the function page_seq16_init.

static void page_seq16_init(monolith_page *pg, page_seq16_d *seq16);
static void page_seq16_init(monolith_page *pg, page_seq16_d *seq16)

2.4. Seq16 Data Cleanup

Seq16 data is freed with the funciton page_seq16_free.

static void page_seq16_cleanup(page_seq16_d *seq16);
static void page_seq16_cleanup(page_seq16_d *seq16)

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