4. Global Data

4.1. typedef

All things related to Monolith are contained in a struct called monolith_d.

typedef struct monolith_d monolith_d;
struct monolith_d {

4.2. global variable

A single instance of monolith_d is created as a global variable. The global variable is denoted with the prefix "g_".

static monolith_d g_monolith;

4.3. getting global variable

This global data can be acquired indirectly with the function monolith_data_get.

monolith_d* monolith_data_get(void);
monolith_d* monolith_data_get(void)
    return &g_monolith;

This can be retrieved in Janet with monolith/data.

"Return global pointer to Monolith.\n"
static Janet j_data(int32_t argc, Janet *argv)
    janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
    return janet_wrap_pointer(monolith_data_get());

4.4. data init

The monolith data is initialized with the function monolith_init.

void monolith_init(monolith_d *m);
void monolith_init(monolith_d *m)

4.5. data cleanup

All allocated data is cleaned with the program monolith_cleanup.

void monolith_cleanup(monolith_d *m);
void monolith_cleanup(monolith_d *m)

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