Table lookup with linear interpolation
tabread has the following arguments:
- index: index position
- scaled: 0 or 1 indicating whether or not to scale the signal. A value of 1 expects the index to be in the range 0-1. A value of 0 will make the expected input signal to be the actual index number
- wrap: using wrapping. Can be used to make hard-sync oscillators
- offset: initial phase offset
- ftname: name of the table
The following patch below shows how tabread can be used to make a table lookup oscillator.
# Generate sine wave lookup-table
_sine 8192 gen_sine
# create 440hz phasor signal (sawtooth moving between 0 and 1)
440 0 phasor
# feed phasor into tabread
1 0 0 _sine tabread
# scale signal
0.3 *