A trigger-based counter.
It takes in the following arguments:
- trig: a trigger signal
- max: maximum value to count up to. since it is zero-index, the value reached is max - 1.
- mode: this sets the counting mode. A value of 0 will loop, a value of 1 will reach the top value, then spit out "-2".
Count will always start at 0, and count upwards towards. It is assumed that a trigger signal will occur at the very beginning of the patch. If it does not occur, count will produce a value of -1 until triggered.
The patch below uses count to modulate the frequency of a sine wave to produce the overtone series.
# Metro trigger signal
4 metro
# count 0-7
8 1 count
# add one to make range 1-8
1 +
# multiply signal by 100 to produce harmonic series
100 *
# the rest of the sine
0.3 sine